"𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈?" 𝑰𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆

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He held your cheeks with his shaking hands.

"I love you" He mumbled, tears falling down from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this" You replied while slowly removing his hands from your cheeks then walked away.

"Please, give me a second chance!" He shouted

You turned around to take a good look at him

"I did, but you broke me several times already. I loved you, and that's where I went wrong" You muttered while crying and proceeded to walk away.

"And cut!" The director shouted

The cameras flicking and the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the studio.

"Okay Y/N that's it for today, we'll get your stuff ready then you can leave" The assistant secretary said as she handed you the script for next week's shooting.

It was quite a tiring day today since it required some crying and screaming scenes. The studio was crowded for no reason, there were more people than usual.

The place was way too crowded so you grabbed your bag from the backstage.
Suddenly you got pulled from the corner of the room where they there were thick curtains.

"Are you busy?" He asked

"Oh it's you Hajime, uhh no just going home"

"Can I take you somewhere?"

"Umm where and why?" This was quite unusual since he was always intimidatingly agressive all the time, the workers at the studio are scared of him.

"I'm just bored, besides we can get to know each other more since we're colleagues"

"Okay, sure let me get my stuff first"

"Great. I'll wait for you outside"

You just nod and took your bags and outfits from the dressing rooms. Bid your goodbyes to the director.

You went outside the building and saw his car parked at the entrance. His silhoutte was visible from his windows. You approached it and he opened the door for you.

"Thank you" You thanked him

"No worries" He replied shutting the door

He went inside his car and drove to the city.

- Timecheck 6:30 PM -

He stopped at a fancy restaurant. There were no people inside, it was an underground unknown place where he went. But the surroundings looked harmless, in fact it looked peaceful.

He got off the car and opened the door for you. You thanked him again.

The inside was beautiful, a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the tables were neatly arranged and the lights glowed a pretty yellow.

He sat the both of you in the middle, the table looked special among the others. Candles and flowers sat on the table.

He pulled the chair for you to sit on it. But as you were about to sit he grabbed your hand lightly and kissed the back of it.

He chuckled and looked into your eyes. You blushed a bit. You've never seen this side of him after working with him for 2 months now.

The waiter approached the both of you to take your orders. After that he started a conversation, a normal one between acquiatances.

The food soon arrived and the both of you ate. He payed the bills and went back to his car.

He drove off somewhere in the middle of the city, there were a lot of people and vehicles but luckily there wasn't any traffic so it was easier to get to wherever destination.

He stopped at a very tall tower, he parked his car underground and took the elevator with you.

Now it was very quiet and you were getting a little tired walking with heels. The elevator stopped after a few minutes of going up. You've reached the rooftop.

"Have you been in the skytree?" He asked

"No, I havent yet, I recently moved here 6 months ago"

"Well, you have now"

You got confused at first.

"W-wait- is this skytree?!"

"Yes" He replied chuckling

A smile grew on your face as you went to the railings to look down below, it was pretty, the city lights and the sound of the wind with a little sound of the distant chaos from below. People with car honkings was barely heard.

He held your cheeks with his shaking hands and there. Your lips met. You melted into the kiss, he tucked your hair behind your ear, as he deepens the kiss. It was imaginary. Dreamy.

Soon you pulled away and made his forehead touch yours.

"That was unexpected" You told him

"Yeah, it was unexpectedly fun" He replied

After spending a few more minutes to the rooftop it got cold so you decided to go home. He gave you a ride ofcourse. Soon you reached your destination and he kissed you once again.

"Tonight was fun, thank you Hajime"

"I had fun too, thank you" Then he left

The rest of the night you couldn't stop thinking about him. About the kiss. Then you remembered that you wont be seeing him for a few more days because it was rest day at work.

He messaged you everyday, greeting you goodmornings and goodnights. You're catching feelings, slowly. You didn't stop, you thought he wanted you too, so you let yourself fall for him deeper.

*4 days later*

You drove yourself to work to film again with him. You were a little excited to see him since you missed him.

But as you were parking your car you saw his car parked on the other side of the road, a girl went out from it and he didn't open it for her so you thought it was like his sister or something. But when he got off the car he started kissing her. On the lips.

Your heart broke into a million pieces. He fooled you, into thinking he needed you too.

You sobbed your way to work avoiding interaction with him. So you kept your head low.

- Timeskip 2 hours later -

The costumes and makeups were on, the camera man was now setting it up and a few minutes the shooting will start. He was standing in front of you like nothing had happened.

"Okay guys we'll begin in 3, 2, 1 action!"

"I thought you loved me" He said playing his role

"How can I love someone who loves one another" You replied tears forming on your eyes

"CUT!" Y/N what was that? That's not on the script! Another one guys!"

"No it wasn't written on the script" You mumbled

"Then why did you make that line up?" The director asked

"I didn't make it up. I was asking him a question"

"Hajime answer that please" You cried

"I'm sorry Y/N, she came back"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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