"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭" 𝑴𝒊𝒚𝒂 𝑨𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒖

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You spent the holidays at your parents house, it took 2 weeks since you have to go back to school in the city.

Your hometown was on the country side so it'll take a good 6 hour ride back to Tokyo.

You bid your goodbyes to your mom and dad.

"Call us when you get home 'kay? Stay safe hun" Your mom said giving you a big hug

"Becareful since you'll be driving for a few hours, make sure you're aware you never know what'll happen" Your dad made sure that you're always safe.

You grabbed your huge bag and a seperate bag filled with drinks and food since it was a long ride.

- 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 7:20 PM -

The sound of your playlist was playing, you left the house 30 mins ago and is currently driving.

The road was empty and there are trees scattered around the place, cold and dark. You kept on driving and soon enough got hungry, so you stopped and decided to eat first.

The drive was quiet and quite boring since you were all alone.

- 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 8:55 PM -

It was really dark now, you haven't seen any houses for the past hour nor anyone.

Slowly a shadow appeared on the sidewalk holding their thumb out. You started panicking scared that they might bring harm. You stopped to see a tall blonde carrying a bag and wearing a black mask. You couldn't see his face but he looks pretty young.

"Hi! Can you give me a ride to the train station?" He asked slowly removing his mask

You sat there staring at his face.

"HE LOOKS FUCKING HOT" You thought, the coldness didn't make it any better your cheeks flushed red, you held it and it felt warm.

"H-hello?? Can you hear me?" He waved at you

"O-oh yes i'm sorry i was zoning out, sure"

You unlocked the doors and he went in.

"Thank you uhh?" He held his hand out

"Y/N. And you are?" You shook his hand smiling lightly


You drove off. You decided to start a conversation to make it not awkward for the both of you.

"So Atsumu why are you all alone on a cold night in the middle of nowhere?"

"Oh my twin and I had a fight so he kicked me out of the car and I had to wait for a whole hour, when I saw your car I immediately asked"

"hahaha, that's a little funny" You laughed at his story

"Yeah, he can be annoying sometimes" He laughed too

"Umm if you're hungry or thristy there's food and drinks at the back, help yourself"

"Thank you Y/N-chan" He replied grabbing the bag in the back seat.

"So is it rude for me to ask questions?"

"No! Not at all, I actually like it, you make the atmosphere better, rather than being awkward. I hate situations like that" He mumbled while stuffing his mouth with onigiri.

"Cute" You thought.

"So um, how old are you?" You asked him

"I'm 17 and a second year, how about you?

"We're actually the same age!"

"Really? You don't look 17 though, you look younger!"

"Is that supposed to be a compliment? You chuckled

"Consider that as one, you're really- um c-cute"

You went silent for a second and focused on the road. You knew you were blushing but you can't do anything about it since your hands were on the wheel.

"I'm sorr-"

"No it's fine I just got flustered, thank you. Atsumu" You turned to his direction and gave him a smile.

"No problem, um where are you from?" He asked

"I'm from Tokyo, and you?"

"Hyōgo, I play volleyball so I'm usually everywhere playing againts schools"

"Wow, not surprised by your height, you're really tall"

The talks continued for a couple of hours until he fell asleep.

It was currently 12 PM and you were nearing your destination, houses and buildings are visible now the surroundings were still quiet though, there wasn't anyone outside.

You decided not to wake him up and just take him to the train station.

"Atsumu, wake up we're here" You shook his shoulder

His eyes opened and looked around.

"Thank you so much Y/N-chan!" He thanked you and started fixing his stuff.

"No problem!"

He the opened the door and said something before leaving.

"Um.. Can I have your number? I might not see you again you know?"

"Okay sure, hand me your phone"

You gave him it and he made you wait first before driving off. A few minutes passed you were getting a little tired but he came back holding a box filled with sweets.

"H-here as a present" He gave it to you smiling

"You didn't have to, I'm fine"

"No! Take it!" He replied and relaxed his face while saying

"I'll call you" while winking at you.

You blushed at his sudden action and waved him a goodbye.

After that Atsumu began calling you for weeks and sometimes he'd visit you to Tokyo just to hang out. It became a routine that he'll visit you every Sunday because he didn't have practice. Sometimes you visit him in Hyōgo when he's tired.

Eventually after 4 months of going out together he asked you to be his girlfriend. In which you happily agreed on.

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