"𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝" 𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒂 𝒀𝒖𝒖𝒋𝒊

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Hatred is something you feel towards a person or could be something. It's a very strong feeling that can destroy a person's reputation.

It started with your worst nightmare.
Terushima Yuuji.

"What a fucking playboy" You though as you walked down the hallway to see another girl crying because of him.

"He played her last night, now she thinks they're in a relationship"
"She really thought he likes her ew"

mumurs and laughs were heard.

"This happens way too often. I'll never be like those girls chasing over him, he's not even that attrac-" you were cut off as Terushima made eye contact with you.

You quickly looked away and proceeded to make an emotionless face.

You went to your first class, in which you shared with the one and only devil.

He sat far away from you but you can feel his gaze melting you from afar.

"What the fuck does this boy want? I hope this class ends soon so I can go home and not see his stupid face" you thought clicking the pen in your hand.

"And that's all for today class is dismissed!" The professor said.

Everyone immediately stood up and left, you were still fixing your things but had trouble and couldn't find your phone.

"Looking for this?" A husky voice said.
You slowly looked up and saw him.
"Yes." You coldly replied looking down.
"Look at me oi" he chuckled.
"What?" Angrily looked at him

"Looks like you have some hatred on me" he played with your phone and slowly slid it in your desk.

"Thanks, I have to go now excuse me"

"I gave you your phone what's the matter?" he playfully asked.

"Just move out the way so I can leave" You said looking directly in his eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much huh?"

"No I don't now move" You lied.

"You sure about that?" He asked looking down at your height.

"Yes" You coldly asnwered again.
He then moved out the way to let you through.

But once you exited the classroom he pulled you into the janitor's room.

"HEY WHAT THE-" You tried to leave again.

The light then flicked open and saw him leaning on the door.

"That smirk, that goddamn smirk" you thought.

"What now?" As emotionless as possible you asked him, hiding the fact that you're nervous af.

"Tell me, tell me why you hate me so much?"

"Who told you I hated you?"

"No one, it's just the look on your face, I saw hatred on them" He said in a serious tone.

"Can you just leave me alone?!" You angrily said almost shouting.

"Let me out of here before I-" You were cut off when Terushima suddenly pinned you againts the wall.

"Shh shh, don't get mad, someone will hear us" He whispered in your ear.

"Get off of me" You replied trying to escape from his arms, but he was too strong.

"You can't leave yet, the fun hasn't even started."

"I hate you, I hated you for being rude to people, hurting innocent girls and so o- aauh"
You were cut off as Terushima ran his fingers to your upper thigh.

"S-stop" You tried to push him away but he leaned in closer to you, with your lips almost touching. You can feel his warm breath on your cheeks. That turned you on.

"You're so flustered, must've felt good huh." he said backing off a little.

"Let me tell you one thing Y/N, this is what I do. I'm not gonna touch you. I'm not gonna say something that'll hurt you. But I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to change the way you look at me?"

"How?" You replied completely confused.

"By loving me without any hatred."

Haikyuu Imagines/Oneshots x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now