"𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬" 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖

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"They say there are over trillions of stars in the galaxy though they only appear at night, but once they sparkle it's like a heaven of fantasy showering to ones self"

"Yeah, it's really pretty."

"Like you"

"What?" You asked turning your head towards him

"Nothing" he replied looking up again at the nightsky.

"I love constellations, I admire them a lot."

"I also love something about stars."

"And what is that?" You asked him.

"I'll tell you later" he replied grinning, his eyes
pinned againts the sky.

You and Suna have been friends for God knows how long. Probably since 5th grade.
He loved sports while you focused on arts. Despite your passions being completely different that didn't stop the both you being best friends.

Today he called you and told you to meet him at your usual spot (an empty lot nearby)
but today was different, he said to wear something I'm both comfortable on and nice on.

*Around 4:00 PM*

"Where is this bitch at?" You stood at the entrance not seeing him anywhere.

"Oh sorry I'm late I had to fetch something" He said while rubbing the nape of his neck

You took a glance at him, he was wearing a long black coat with a plain white shirt paired with black jeans and his usual sneakers.
"He looks nice" You thought.

"It's okay, now why'd you made me come here?"

"Get in I have something to show you"

You went in his car and he started driving off.

"Where's the aux cord?"
"It's right there you blind poop"
"Oh fuck you"
You both laughed as you played slow and agonizing sounds.

40 minutes into the ride he started driving somewhere unfamiliar.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked peeking out the window.
"Just wait a few more minutes" he replied focusing on the road.

"We're at the country side bitch, look it's you" you pointed at a cow in the field.

"Shut the fuck up Y/N that looks more like you"

"No way its your long lost twin" you said.

Endless jokes and laughs til' he pulled off.
He grabbed something from the back seat, it was a blanket and a basket.

"Hurry! Come quick!" he yelled running towards a tree up the hill.

"Why are you such in a hurry? Ya need to shit or something?"

"Just hurry up!" he replied smiling.

You made it up the hill and he sat the blanket and the food he bought.

"We barely made it" he said sitting down

"To what?"

"See the sun set." he replied facing the other side of the hill.

You settled down beside him and you both watched the sunset together.

But you mostly looking at his direction.

"That was really beautiful"
"It's dark now" You said grabbing your phone to turn the flashlight on but Suna grabbed it from you.

"I bought a flashlight for us, no need to use your phone." He whispered. Then grabbed the flashlight from the basket.

"Let's watch the stars now" he whispered again while slowly laying down.

You were surprised to see him act this way around you. But you didn't question it, not wanting to ruin the moment since you barely see this side of him.

"Goddamn it Y/N come watch it with me down here" he said pulling your arm towards him.

"HOLY.SHIT." You cursed in your head as you laid in his arms. Well more likely that you fell into them as Suna pulled you.

"He didn't even flinched!" You thought as you stared at him blushing looking at the stars.

"They say there are over trillions of stars in the galaxy though they only appear at night, but once they sparkle it's like a heaven of fantasy showering to ones self" he said.

"Yeah, it's really pretty."

"Like you"

"What?" You asked turning your head towards him

"Nothing" he replied looking up again at the nightsky.

"I love constellations, I admire them a lot."

"I also love something about stars."

"And what is that?" You asked him.

"I'll tell you later" he replied grinning, his eyes
pinned againts the sky.

"Sure" you whispered.

You were getting impatient about that "I'll tell you later" it's been 30 minutes. So you decided to close your eyes and feel the cold air brush through your whole body.

"Oh she fell asleep" Suna said as he stared at your innocent dozing face.

"Y/N I have to confess something. I liked you, no loved. I loved you since we were little, I love the way you handled things, the way you called my name, even the way you laugh, it's been music to my ears all along. Your artworks I admire from afar, the way your hair flows like a waterfall, your rosey lips. Y/N I loved you for a very long time. You're my bestfriend but I fell for you. I'm sorry. You once asked what I loved about stars, well it's the way they reflect in your eyes, the prettiest sparkly stars I've seen is in your eyes."

"You don't have to be sorry" You said slowly opening your eyes.

"One agonizing fact, I loved my bestfriend, the way he made me laugh, comforted me and the way he was always there for me. It's you that I love. It has always been you Rintaro."

End ~

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