"𝐌𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠" 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂

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In this world full of sadness and despair, you chose to live unhappily. Without any love from your family, without friends. It was tough but you're still holding on. Barely living on.

It's a terrifying life you have not only you're left alone all by yourself, it's because you keep having this weird feeling of being watched. Like from afar, you couldn't tell but you knew that it's true.

You went out to end it all. You wrote a suicide note and slid it on your desk, made sure everything was clean and on its place before leaving.

- Timecheck 2:42 AM -

You listened to songs on your earphones while walking. Mostly sad ones to ease the pain that was worsening every second. Clenching your fists inside your pockets, crying your eyes out quietly.

You arrived at your destination, a bridge and above was a deep, wide ocean. No one was around, the lights were flickering, and the sound of your sobs were heard.

While taking off your earphones you look up and saw a person standing there. You couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl because of their hair being blown by the wind and is blocking their face.

The person's arms were spread apart forming a T shaped figure, wearing an oversized black hoodie and sweatpants.

"Excuse me" You spoke shakingly

"He's a guy" You thought as he turned his head at you.

"Yes?" He replied looking back again at the sky but putting his arms down.

Without saying anything you approached him and climbed the railings too. He helped you since it was a little high.

"What are you doing here?" You asked

"I'll ask you the same"

"Just for a walk" You lied

Silence -

"You're lying" He replied

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"Can you tell?"

"You were crying, your eyes are swollen. Something must've happened"

"Shit" You whispered under your breath

"What's your name?" You asked him

"How about you?"

"I asked your first"

"Fine, it's Kozume"

"I'm L/N"

He suddenly took one of your hand and held it.

"Let's end this together L/N, I know you're suffering too"

Tears began to form in you eyes again as you looked at him, his eyes were swollen while tears flowing down from the sides, his nose runny and red, his cheeks glowing a bright pinkish color, hair messy. There were also bags under his eyes.

"No Kozume"


"Theres one more thing I want to do before ending this"


"To get to know you more"

He looks at you dead serious, while wiping his tears with his other hand.

"I'm screwed up, you'll just think the same as other people"

The fact that he's saying these things with an emotionless face, and his hand frozen cold.

"Please L/N"

"Promise me one thing Kozume"


"That we'll live happier in our next life" You held your pinky out

"I promise" He mumbled while locking the promise.

He held your hand again, slowly lifting it up. You took a look of what was below.

"You ready?" He asked you.


The both of you took a couple more steps to reach the edge. You closed you eyes, and you suddenly felt scared. You're already falling.....but... when you turned your head to him, he was looking at you while smiling.

The sound of your alarm went off. You sat up sweating badly and shaking in terror, it's true you felt miserable and have failed a few suicide attemps but you weren't expecting to have a dream about it.

You remembered it clearly but you couldn't remember his name.

"What was his name?" You hit your head trying to remember.

"I'm sure it started with K, but what?"

You felt scared of who might this person is.
So you just decided to go to school. As you sat down on your seat, the teacher announced a new student was transfering and today was his first day.

"Okay come in now"

A petite blonde boy with dark brown roots stood introducing himself.

"Hi I'm Kozume Kenma please take care of me"

You sat there frozen. You eyes widening. You began shaking.

He made eye contact with you and his gaze immediately changed, his eyes began watering, he too was shocked to see you but you don't know each other.

He's the guy from my dream. He was my ending.

Haikyuu Imagines/Oneshots x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now