💖 Dreamnoblade [Addicting] part 1

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Did I make another scent based one-shot?



Because I can't control what kind of ideas come to my mind. I just write them down. Don't judge.

Did I make if Dreamnoblade again?

Yes. Why? Because dreamnoblade 'bloody garden' is the most liked chapter.

[Word count: 1090]

[Ship: Dreamnoblade (dream x techno), with a tiny bit of Bladeza (philza x techno)]

Bladeza strongest friendship pog.

Not proff read!

Short :'(


Dream had, had enough. He couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't hold back anymore. He has been stressed for the whole god damn last month. He swears that everyone on this server just won't leave him alone on damn purpose. So before the alpha in him has enough and lashes out on someone, he decides to go to the only person that can calm him down at the moment.




He's pissed.

On his way to Technos cabine george stopped him. The omega wanted to be showered in riches and affection, saying how dream hasn't been giving enough of it to him. He kept dream at home for hours complaining how he should do everything for him and how he missed him and in general just not letting dream leave. This made him snap at george to just leave him alone and to go beg some other alpha to dote on him.

At this point he was tired, irritated, angry, guilty and desperate.

So no one can blame him for bursting into Technos cabine uninvited as soon as he was able to react it. This seemed to of have startled the two players in the said cabine, as they both stared at him like he was an alive Wilbur. Once the shock faded from the other two and they took a sniff of his irritated and tired scent in the air, they shared a look and seconds later phil asked 'what was wrong' summoning away the floating code he was typing at the whole time.

Only now did dream registered the scene infront of him. It looked like Techno was in the middle of making dinner and philza was sitting at the dining table having some small talk with techno while messing with some code for his other worlds. Being exhausted from the stress and the trip to get here, he decided to 'fu*k it' and just straight up went to backhug techno and stuff his face into the alphas neck to smell his addicting smell of a freshly won war, without an explanation.

And if he felt bad for putting the pink haired alpha in a spot and leave him to explain the situation to philza alone, he didn't let it bother him as he slowly starting to relax and dose off right then and there.


Techno woke up the next day in his bed with dream still cradling him but this time from the front, with his arms around Technos waist and his nose on Technos throat. He grumbled a complaint on his scentglads stinging from constant abuse, and heard a muffled chuckle from behind him. That's when he noticed a third arm lazily drawing circles on his hip bone, and the chest his back was seemingly pressed at. He let out a low amused huff and turned his head to look at the still chuckling philza and decided to raised an eyebrow at him.

He and phil were having some small talk still in the bed when dream growled and tightened his hold on Technos waist and pressed his face further into Technos neck. This startled the other two alphas and were now confusedly looking at him for answers even tho he was still half asleep.


Dream started to awoke after a while realising that he could hear little voices in the room but was too drowsy to understand what was being said. This put his mind on slight alert because he didn't remember where he was or what was going on, but relaxed when he recognized one of the voices to be Technos. 'Wait. One of them?! Who the hell was techno talking to?! Hes mine!' So with that though on his half asleep mind he growled and snuggled techno tighter, some may even say he started to scent him possessively.


Philza couldn't stop laughing. It was too amusing to see techno attempt to free himself of dreams iron grip on him, but only end up with dream tightening the grip and growling for him to stay put. He didn't think the alpha could be so possessive over Tech, but you learn something new every day. Honestly phil can't blame dream for being so possessive over techno. If he wasn't so good at controlling himself he didn't doubt that he wouldn't let techno step a foot outside, nonetheless let someone else close to him. It was strange just how powerful Technos scent is on a persons mindset even if techno never notices what kind of power he holds for just existing. His smell is captivating, it makes you want to keep it, to not let anyone else even get a sniff of the smell of victory. The scent is addicting with how it makes you feel like you have won the biggest battle of your life. Its grounding how if you focus, you can smell the blood, the ash, how you can practically taste the iron, feel the heat of flames, feel the imaginary weapon that you used to win the battle in your hands. It's securing with how untouchable it makes you feel, like the fate is on your side and nothing can harm you anymore. So no, phil can't really blame dream for wanting the feeling to stay as long as possible and keep it for himself. But techno looked a tick away from snapping dreams neck and phil needed to get some air in his lungs unless he wants to pass out, so he straightened and tells dream that he could still have techno but to at least let techno walk around and do his task otherwise this was the last time dre will be able to smell the alphas scent.

Dream grumbled after hearing that but got up anyways, at which techno let out a relieved sigh but it quickly faded into an annoyed huff when dream latched onto his back and pressed his face into his neck as soon as he stud up.


Quick little thing of a one shot because i feel guilty for not being able to finish 'pool party' as quickly as I would of have liked.

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