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Since I'm struggling with completing the part 2 of pool party, I'll post teasers of some one-shots I'm working on.

Basically I'll post a little part of the one-shots.

I most likely won't post this one-shots in order you all see here, once they're finished btw.

Ps.: I apologise for any spelling mistakes.


[Pool Party] part 2

Now wilbur was definitely worse. His dry hair was dripping from how much shampoo techno poured on it and he had three toothbrushes hanging from his mouth. They're the brushes from the ground may he add and if he almost gagged when he felt a few hairs from the carpet enter his mouth, no one can blame him. He was only in his boxers and was despite the disgusting knowledge what was in his mouth smirking down at techno stuck in his grip.


[Begone Bullies]

Techno who was passing bay heard the words 'we're the best fighters' and looked in that direction hopefully (basically with stars in his eyes) and walked up to them already feeling the underline rush through him thinking he finally found someone to fight that actually knows how to correctly throw a punch. He walked up behind them and swung his fist to the side of they're face which send them flying away from him. The other three guys realizing what happened to they're friend jumped techno and tried to pin him down, while the one on the floor held his face in utter pain, but techno being techno managed to dodge them with ease and soon the fight was over, with the bullies on the ground unmoving and with techno who only received one punch to the stomach by a lucky hit.
While the fight was going on, tommy and tubbo called others and informed them that a pink haired girl was being beaten by 15 (there were only 4 but they were exaggerating the situation) guys, because she wanted to protect them. And others of course got worried and hurried there to save the girl,but what they didn't expect when they got there was for a few guys laying on the ground ones with visible broken bones, and tommy and tubbo looking at the 'girl's with stars in their eyes while they asked her question after question.



Techno scoffed and said, "Tommy I don't understand how you think that a 6 year old can not only take down a full armored and weaponed adult, but most importantly a hole nation in a short amount of time. And taming a dragon. Really."

Tommy showed his annoyance at basically being called stupid for only a second, in favour of grinning back at techno and loudly exclaimed "Ha! But you didn't say that you haven't done it before!"

Techno face palms.


[Unsure King]

Now if willbur had to describe the situation he was witnessing in one word he would describe it as absolutely entertaining and as much as he would like to continue and watch he noticed just how uncomfortable techno looked and just how much he's pushing in on himself and decided to stop this before techno has a panick attack. He makes a deal with the guard that the statue is too much so why not make hand sized wooden figures of the blood god so that everyone can have one at home and his idea went viral I tell you since everyone bought multiple just for themselves. And alright willbur admits that he may or may not have bought a couple for himself as well.


[Strange Saviour]

Now techno knew who the boys were as soon as he saw them in the forest aimlessly wandering and wondering where they were. He knew about the bounty and the fortune that he could get if he killed them both, but they were still kids, and they looked like they couldn't hurt a fly even if they wanted to (which in some chases was true). But he also heard about the war that they have ran from and he though that if he helped them get back to their kingdom that was still in war, then maybe he could get a piece of action for himself as well.



He bandaged them up and basically stayed with them for the rest of the day, just listening to everything they said and made sure that when they are doing something, they won't get hurt. This proved to of have been a good idea, since tommy decided to climb an unstable wall while techno had his back turned and was listening to tubbo telling him about bees and moths, and tommy slipped and fell right into techno's arms, which resulted in him being embarrassed since he had to hold technos hand the whole way back home.


[Quiet Melody]

He headed to Technos cabin a few feet away, wanting to ask him where and when can he bath the dogs, or even if he's even allowed to do so himself. (Let's pretend he has on some gloves that protect his hands from water.)

But as soon as he stepped in he heard a soft and quiet voice, lightly singing from upstairs. 'This meant the voice is coming from Technos room.' Ranboo figured in his head.



The kitten jumped on Technos lap and smugly looked Dream in the face. Okay now Dream really wanted to throw it out the window, where the thunderstorm was only seeming to worsen.


[Scales Among Feathers]

Where the family (Phill, willbur, tommy and techno) contains three Angel's and one devil.
As time passed the two became guardian Angel's and one a warrior angel while the devil became the well known blood god. All of they're friends thought that the other 3 hated techno because of this so imagine they're surprise when everyone saw just how happy they where when they saw him at the friendly meeting. (He was invited by phill and will since they snuck an envelope with the permission to come, but they didn't know if it would get to him in time or if he would want to come at all.) And everyone was even more surprised when they realised just how all 3 of them are so protective over him.


[Wake Up]

And then they all woke up in they're shared house. They all talked about it and realised they all had a different dream but the same pink haired person saved them.


I present to you 10 teasers, for well 10 one-shots what else.

If you have any recommendations or simply want to add something to these, don't be afraid to tell me!
I'll happily apply them to these one-shots.

Or in general if you have an idea or request and want me to write it don't be afraid to ask :)

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