💖&🤍 Dreamnoblade [Bloody Garden]

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[Word count: 1763]

Where everyone has a sent and Techno smells like a bloody garden of flowers and Dream can't stop inhaling it.

Not proof-read. (Pretty sure I didn't spell that correctly.)


It started as an acident.
When they were practice fighting dream tripped and landed on techno which made techno stumble and they both fell with dream on top of techno. Dreams face was squished againts technos neck so he had a fool on dose of the scent that usually noone actually got to sniff before since techno didnt like it. Dream even tho he didnt want to more from that spot and keep on inhaligh the addictive scent, knew that techno didnt like it so he got up as fast as he could while saying sorry and offering him his hand. Techno while uncuftrobla knowing that someone got a sniff of his scent knew that it was an acidednt so he didnt mind at all and they went back to fighting.

The second time it happened, was another acident or at leased thats what it looked like to techno and others (if others were ever to withnes it). They were discusing about a new mission and techno had the map in his hand and since it was crowded (all the youtubers being in the same spot discusing the plan) so dream wanting to look at the map as well, and went behind techno (obviously making sure that techno knew he was there) and looked over technos shoulder and since they were both basically the same size dream managed to smell the scent again and luckily for him his mask was making it look like he has his attention on the map, while behind it hes staring at technos neck and slowly getting closer to it trying to basically drown in the scent. When it was over everyone went their way.

The third time was when they were getting drunk since it was someones birthday and once mostly everyone was gone a drunk dream draged a drunk techno to his room where he sat on the balcony floor (which had pillows and blankets on it (dont ask why)) and pulled techno in his lap. Now techno has dreams mask in his hands and was fidgeting with it and dream is buried nose deep into technos neck, where they quietly and drunkedly talked about anything and everything they're drunked minds let them think of.

The forth was when dream got in a argument with a few others and was pissed off after so he stormed to technos room where he was calmly reading a book on the windom corner thingy and dream stormed in and locked the door behing him. Techno was cunfused and asked what was going on while standing up and setting the book down, but dream didn't give him an answer and went up to him grabed his arm and dragged him to the bed where he layed down and brought techno with him and basically squished technos hips with his hands and pressing him to his chest while buring his nose to technos neck, at which techno tensed but soon relaxed and tried his best to comfort his best freiend.

Now at this point (after a few more fight over the month) techno noticed how quikly dream calmed down if he lets dream smell him, so now when ever dream comes out off nowhere and buries his head in his neck he isnt fazed by it anymore and lets him be for however long he wants to.

Techno was simply training on a rainy night since he wanted to try a new tactic he thought of about an hour ago. At the moment he's seeing thrue all the flaws and advantages the tactic brought on his table, but what he's certain the tactic didn't bring him was two strong arms around his waist and a nose that's tickling his neck. Techno exhaled and greets dream, which causes dream to question him on how he knew who it was, and techno sarcastically told him that he totally let's other people sniff and touch him when ever they please, at which dream squeezes his waist a little and playfully lightly bites techno's neck at which techno shyly moves away from. Dream huffs and says that theres no need to be a prick about it, and techno plays along with humming and saying he doesn't know what dream is talking about.
They stay like that for some time hugging and talking to each other while dreams trying to drown himself and techno's trying to inspect different ways on how to perfect his new tactic. At some point techno asks why he likes his scent so much anyways (since people can't smell they're own scent), and dream replied with 'you just have a very addicting smell I guess.' ' You guess?' ' Yes, since honestly I don't know why I like it so much neither.'

Techno was having a rough day to say the least. His items are almost broken, his horse got killed so he had to walk back home, he forgot to eat or drink before he left as well so now he's both starving and thirsty and so long goes the list. So when he got back home he was not in the mood to talk or socialize which he made obvious by threatening to stab fundy and tommy if they didn't leave him alone. After he ate some fruit and drank a glass of water since he was too tired to eat or drink anything else more complicated, he went in his room to take a quick shower and go to sleep imiditly.
After a few hours passed techno was woken by dream shaking him very gently and slowly. Techno was confused for a few seconds until he remembered what happened, but that doesn't mean he isn't confused on why dream is there.
Dream after being updated on what happened brought techno some more healthy and heavy food and more drinks, but when he saw techno asleep he decided to let him rest for a few hours at least. And now he's helping him eat and drink.
After some time of just chatting and chuckling dream decided that that was enough and techno should get some sleep but before that he really wanted to check if techno has gotten any kind of wound from today's journey so he tries to think of a way to do so sneakily since he knows that techno won't let him do it otherwise.
A somewhat realisation came to his mind and with that, now he had a forming plan that's ready to go in too action. He tells techno to inhlade some of his scent to loosen up so he could go to sleep since they both knew that techno won't be able to just go back to sleep like it's nothing. Techno hesitated at first but then loosened up and let dream crawl under the covers and cradle him by pressing technos face to his neck and with his other hand lightly stroke technos back in circular motion. A few seconds later dream started to get curios on Technos opinion about his scent, since he had a lot of people tell him that his scent is relaxing but chilling at the same time, apparently since they all say that he smells like a wet forest. So he asked techno how he smelled and was pleasantly surprised with the answer which he hasn't heard before. Techno answered him that he smelled like a rainy forest that was burned down not long ago since theres hints of the smell of smoke among the nature and rain.
They both fell asleep satisfied.

One night they were cuddling on the balcony again while others had they're own missions, meeting and personal stuff to do. They were in the same position to ironically, with techno on dreams lap while he plays with dreams mask and dream in his own heaven, that is techno.
A cold breeze passes and dream shivers since techno has a cozy and big gown and he doesn't. But luckily for him techno notices and offeres to give it to him, but dream declines with an excuse of techno will get cold if he does so. But then he gets an idea and he smirks like a devil that has spotted they're pray. He nudges techno to get his attention and whispered in his ear to turn around, which made techno shiver from how unexpected that was of him but he only mumbled a quiet and grumpy 'such a teaser' and turns around with his upper torso in dreams lap. Dream feeling devilish and playful of his plan does a fake little pout and like a tsundere stretches every (word?) and used a slightly demanding voice with a hint of teasing audible in nit. Techno huffed but was also trying not to smile from dreams silliness and turned around fully still on dreams lap. Now that techno was straddling him he wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him towards himself so that they're chests were touching, which made techno release a quiet but still audible gasp since he wasn't expecting this neither and placed his hands on dreams shoulders.
'Techno can I as you something'
'Depends on what you ask, you nerd'
Haha, hmmm then dear blood god, can I have the pleasure of having you as a lover and spend the rest of my days with you all the way till my last one'
'Wha- ...i-...I don't know what to say.'
'What do you mean'
'I...I want to say yes, but I'm a blood god dream'
'What do you mean'Whats wrong with that'
'...it mean that I will out age you for centuries...I...I don't know if I'm ready to experience that kind of pain'

Sapnap decided that its time to confront dream about the situation he and the others noticed at this point. He went up to him and asked what's up with him and techno. Dream not knowing how to respond for a second asked what he meant by that. Sapnap exhaled and said really you don't know what I mean with the question when basically every day we see you stuffing your face in techno neck and basically following him everywhere he goes, and let's not mention you heart shaped eyes as soon as someone just mentions him. Dream was speechless he admits, he didn't realise he was being that obvious.


I'll probably do some more in the future.

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