🤟 [Betrayal]

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[Word count: 436]

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Not proof-read.


Dave was one of the most fast rising warrior in the world, he was said to be undefeated, because of how many wars he has won single handedly.
Other soldiers on his team and religion got jealous and bitter since he's new and already better then them.
So they got rid of him him by giving him false information on the next war and he ended up in the death pit with all sorts of monsters and the war was a country away at this point.
But instead of dying he defeated the monsters and the bosses or more high tire monsters for some reason didn't attack him, instead they creeped closer with interest in they're big eyes. It is said that monsters can feel your emotions and motives and that's when techno realised that they weren't attacking him because they can sense his betrayal, rage and thirst for revenge and bloodshed.
Instead they offered to help and make an alliance with him and surprisingly after thinking it over in his head he agreed, but that doesn't mean he's gonna let his guard down around them.
But since he was the first human to stay in the pit for more than a week he didn't know the consequences of staying in the forbidden lands. He started to noticed that his instincts have become inhumanely sharper and he has noticeably become more and more thirsty for blood, but what surprised him was that he didn't thirst for blood, as in he wants to kill but as he wants to rip people apart and lick the blood of his hands kind of thirst. At this point he realised that he was turning into something nonhuman, but honestly he didn't care for himself enough to even think of going back on they're deal.
And now about a year in the pit, he can't tell if he regrets it or not. He looks at himself in the puddle and sees a pink blood thirsty monster and if he's being honest, he kind of can't wait for the time the deal is over and he can leave to go slaughter anyone in his path.

(The deal was that technoblade (the monsters named him blade and after a year he added techno himself) had to stay in the pit with them for 100 years and his end of the deal was that they have a blood alliance to help each other and the monsters won't bother him too much in this 100 years. (like if he wants to be alone he's left alone))


Short :(

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