[Techno x Techno & Blood God Drafts]

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- again, you can add to the draft, request if you want a certain event/kink and so goes on

WARNINGS, this chapter contains:
- mentions of sex
- resurrection
- blood
- mentions of attempted murder
- mentions of gore
- cannibalism

1. Sir Billiam-Porkups-Sherif Sherman Thompson
Sir Billiam, Porkups and Sherif Sherman Thompson all get reincarnated out of nowhere.
They meet Techno, who is a slightly smaller version of them, so they go protective mode as they see him as the weakest out of their group.

So when someone has the guts to threaten Techno or point a weapon in his direction, this person's life ends quicker than they can blink.
And maybe, just maybe they purposely lean on him to make him feel smaller.

2. Billiam
Sir Billiam is resurrected and he can't help but adore the sight of a smaller version of himself.
Completely covered in scars and hidden emotions.
He will have fun tearing every single piece of those walls down.

Extra scene:
(Here you go babe, just for you ;))
Billiam slowly approached Techno from behind as he was organizing his potion chest, and slowly placed his hand on Technos lower back so lightly to the point that Techno didn't even realise he was there.

Bill (not gravity falls Bill or any other Bill, it's Billiam) chuckled and leaned in slowly to whisper into Technos ear about how good he looks and smells.
It startled Techno greatly, causing him to jump and unintentionally fall into Bill's hand that was placed on his lower back. Techno was beetroot red and Bill only laughed more fondly as he lifted Techno off of his remaining foot that was connected to the floor, and carried him to the upstairs bed.

Techno was embarrassed beyond releve, so he tried to squirm out of Bill's grasp and started protesting loudly, but all he got in return was Bill pinning him to the wall with Technos legs wrapped around Bill's waist as Bill harshly bit Technos ear to silence him.

Techno tried to fight by trying to punch or kick Bill but was too restrained to do so, so he was forced to get Bill to let go.
But Billiam didn't let go or back off even after Techno admitted defeat, startling Techno again and filling him with dread as he frantically tried to struggle to get out of Bill's grasp, but again with no success.

Billiam only put more and more pressure on Technos ear to the point where his bluntests of teeth managed to tear through the skin, causing blood to spill out of the new wounds and into Billiams mouth and down the side of Technos head, while Techno kept on whispering and asking Bill to stop already.

3. Sherif Sherman Thompson
Sheriff gets resurrected and can't stop shielding the smaller and cuter version of himself.
The room is too bright? Thompson will make sure to pull down the curtains.
Technos is hungry? He'll make a meal in a heartbeat.
Techno craves blood? He'll split his wrist a thousand times for him.
Something moved in the bushes? He will shoot it down the second he hears it making sure he's standing at least a little bit between the possible threat and Techno.

The best part of it all? Techno fussing and complaining about him being overprotective and that he can fight too.
God he's adorable when he complains.

4. Porkius
Porkius gets resurrected and won't stop following him around.
Where Techno went, Porkius went.
Techno was very unnerved by this action but didn't know what to do about it.
But as time passed he realised that Porkius was inching closer and closer to the point where they are basically touching as they walk from place to place.

5. Full blooded Techno-Half blooded Techno
Human Techno (just Techno without his piglin features) somehow meets a full blooded piglin Techno and half blooded piglin Techno who both completely tower over him.
At first the three were shocked and tried to solve whatever was going on to go back home. But after a few weeks of nothing and semi-bonding the two piglins released they took great pleasure in seeing Techno having to look up and looking so much smaller and fragile than them.
So horny brain go boom, and the two decide to pick him apart very slowly to hear him sob.

6. Blood God
The god devilishly grinned as Techno let out another pained scream as the god took another bite of his thigh.

7. Blood God
Why can't the Blood god just leave Techno alone.
They could literally just walk away a few steps from Technos body and that was it. That's all he asks for. For just one minute if not for eternity, please.
Was that really too much to ask for?
Apparently yes, because the Blood god won't stop touching him.

More to come at any time.

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