💔🤍 [Taken Or Loved]

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- language barrier
- culture barrier
- misunderstanding
- miscommunication
- starvation
- hydration
- abandonment
- near death experience
- phobia of small spaces

Michael remembers the older piglin.
He saved him from the hole his two captures put him in, in the nether.

Michael quickly jumped into the older piglins lap and hid in his stomach. (Absolutely confusing and scaring the shit out of techno.)

Michael remembers spending days clawing at the netherrack trying to get out. Starving, delirious and in pain. He could hardly breath.

Michael started to talk to the elder in piglin telling him how scared he was and to not let him go.
Techno looked at the worried married couple and was trying to figure out how to bring this up to them.
He ended up telling them piglins find security in each other so Michael should spend some days with him.
Techno reassured them by saying he'll explain everything to Michael in Piglin.

Michael remembers the elders soft long looking pink hair, unlike his rough and short brownish hair.
He remembers wanting to touch it.

Techno let's M play with his hair as they ride towards Technos house where Philza is awaiting for them outside.

Michael remembers the others' scared face looking confusedly down at him, before he left.
He remembers wanting to feel their texture on his little fingers and ask how he got them.

Techno let's Michael run his little fingers down his face and poke at every scar.
Techno noticed that everytime Michael traced a scar he looked up at him with a curious look.
Techno gave in soon after the constant looks and touches and told the little pigman how he got every scar his little fingers and arms could reach.

Michael ended up sleeping on top of Technos chest, listening to the elders heartbeat.

[Word count: 303]

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