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-Tristan's POV-

"Hello class, I'm Hendrickson. Your teacher. Because this is all new to you, you will have a first free period, but in this classroom." The teacher said. Everyone cheered. This will be great!

I was about to walk to Lancelot that was in my class when a girl walked up to me. She looked cute.

"U-um, hello. I-I'm Iselut. D-do you want to be friends?" She asked. I looked at her, she wore pretty much all the colours in a rainbow, but with pink instead of red.

"Why would I want to be friends with a unicorn like you?!" I asked and pushed her away. She got tears in her eyes and said "S-sorry." before walking away.

Then I continued my walk towards Lancelot, but was interrupted by the teacher calling "Tristan, please come here."

I walked up to the teacher and asked "Something wrong?"

He nodded and said "Have you called Iselut a unicorn just because she likes colours?"

"No, I told her I wanted to be friends and gave her the nickname unicorn because she is pretty as one. I love unicorns!" I lied. Hendrickson said "It must have been a misunderstanding then. Now you can be friends."

Great, I'm stuck with the unicorn.

"I-if that's-that's true, then sure." The unicorn said. Then she asked "What's your name?" as we walked away.

"Are you deaf or something? The teacher said Tristan or are you too dumb to understand?" I asked as I walked away from her. She will only be annoying.

It didn't take long before the lesson ended and the next one started.

-Meliodas POV-

I come to pick Tristan up after his first school day and he seemed really happy.

"Have something happened? You seem happy." I said as I picked him up.

"It was so fun." He said.

"You are Tristan's father right?" A white haired man asked. Wait, is that Hendrickson? He have become so old since I was in school.

"Hendrickson?" I asked, then he seemed to recognize me and asked "Meliodas? Is that you?"

"In the flesh and blood." I said. Then he slapped himself and said "My worst student I ever had is back."

"Hey!" I said.

"And a mini version of him. Great." Hendrickson said. He is so mean. He have always disliked me.

"What was it you wanted?" I asked. He looked at me and said "We need to have a talk about Tristan. Alone."

"Sure." I said and we walked inside the school. Tristan stood outside the classroom as we walked in the same that I was in when I was in Tristan's older.

"So, what did ya want?" I asked and sat down in front of Hendrickson. He looked at me seriously and said "It's about Tristan."

"Did he do something?" I asked and he nodded.

"He have been messing around pretty much today." He said. Does he mean like me and Ban did when we was in this age?

"How do you mean?" I asked. Hendrickson sighed and said "He have been bullying this girl, Iselut. I'm not sure if he don't understands that he is bullying her or if he does it on purpose. For me, it looks like the first alternative, so could you please teach your son a bit respect?"

"I... will see what I can do. He have never done anything like this before. Thank you for telling me." I said. He just nodded and said "Then you can go."

I nodded and I walked out of the classroom to see Tristan waiting. I kneed down in front of him and asked "Tristan? Is it something you want to tell me?"

"No, I don't think so." He said. I sighed and said "Mr. Hendrickson said that you have been bullying someone, is that true?"

"What us bullying?" He asked. Seriously? How innocent can someone be?

"He told me you have been mean to someone. Is it true?" He asked. Tristan shook his head.

"No, I have made some friends. Like Iselut." He said.

"Hendrickson said that you was mean to her. Did you call her something? A nickname?" I asked, he nodded.

"I called her a unicorn because she is colourful and cute as a unicorn." Tristan said. That made me say "But she could feel hurt if you call her that. Did you ask if she thought it was okay?"

He shook his head before saying "But it's a good thing!"

"Yeah, but she can still be hurt by it. Tomorrow we will tell her sorry, okay?" I said. He nodded, making me say "Good boy."

Then we went home. I need to tell Elizabeth this, so that we can learn Tristan the difference between being mean and what is fun.

-Tristan's POV-

So it's called bullying? I'm bullying people. It sounds fun and is fun. Maybe I need to do it without any adults seeing?

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