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-Iselut's POV-

"So?! Will you stay or have the child?!" Mom yelled.

"I will have the child!" I cried.

"Then go! You aren't my daughter anymore!" Mom yelled. It have just been two days since the law-curt and I should have 2 and a half more week before I have to decide. Mom is always like this. If it isn't going her way, then she doesn't want you near her.

"Cone here Iselut." Dad said said and we went out of the apartment. Mom is like the Queen of the family while we others are just foot soldiers, but dad at least care about me.

"We will find a place for you to stay, okay?" Dad asked. I nodded. I didn't have anything with me then my shoes and jacket.

"Do you have any friends to stay with?" Dad asked. I shook my head. I have never really had any friends. Especially when Tristan bullied me, because people was scared they also would get bullied.

"We should go home to Tristan. After all, he is the father." Dad said. I just gave him a small nod. Honestly, I am still scared of Tristan, but I didn't have a choice. Maybe he-he will accept having a-a child?

Me and dad walked in completely silence in a good 10 minutes before we arrived at the big mansion. Dad looked amazed by it.

We stopped outside the doors and dad looked at me. He kneed down to my level and said "You have red puffy eyes. We need to try and make you look happier, okay?"

He whipped away some tears from me before he knocked on the door.

"Coming!" We heard a voice. Just a minute later, the door opened and a brown haired girl stood at the door.

"Hell- oh, what happened to you? Have you been crying?" The girl asked and kneed down to my level. I'm feeling very short with all the adults right now.

"Sorry, this was the wrong house." Dad said, but I just said "N-No, it's n-not!"

"Well, um, okay then, excuse me miss, but do you have anyone named Tristan Liones living here?" Dad asked. The brown haired girl looked up at us and said "We have, I will get him for you."

She backed some steps before yelling "Tristan! Come down here! Someone wants to meet you!"

Then she come back to us and said "He will come in a minute."

We nodded and like she said, Tristan come in about a minute.

"What is it aunt Di- Iselut?" Tristan asked as he saw us.

"I will leave you two alone." The girl said and walked away.

"Have you been crying?" Tristan asked as he come a bit closer to the door. I just nodded as dad said "We are really sorry about asking this, but do you think Iselut could stay over at yours a while? She doesn't have any friends to go to and you seem to care about her a bit."

"Of course you can. Come inside." Tristan said as he took my hand and carefully pulled me inside.

"Bye Iselut. I love you, okay?" Dad said. I nodded and said "I love you too dad." as he walked away. Then Tristan closed the door and asked "What happened?"

"I-I rather not tell." I said. He just nodded and whipped away some tears that was forming in my eyes.

"Come on, we go and tell mom and dad." Tristan said and pulled me towards the kitchen. His mom and dad was there kissing each other.

"Mom, dad." Tristan said and they let go of each other. They both looked at Tristan and then me.

"Have something happened?" His dad asked.

-Meliodas POV-

"Can Iselut stay with us a while?" Tristan asked. Elizabeth nodded, making me say "Yes, of course, but have something happened?"

Iselut nodded and I said "We can go and talk somewhere else."

She nodded and we all four walked upstairs to Tristan's room.

"Okay, so what happened?" I asked as me and Elizabeth sat down on the bed. They was all looking at me.

"M-mom kicked m-me out and I don't h-have any friends to stay at. D-dad and I walked here to a-ask it I could stay here w-with you." She answered, looking down.

"Why was you kicked out?" Elizabeth asked. Iselut was quiet a second before she spoke "B-Because I-I'm p-p-p-pregnant."

Shit, this is even worse then I thought.

"You are?! The you need to do abort! I don't-" Tristan was cut off by Elizabeth saying "Tristan, you need to let Iselut have a word in it too."

"Yeah, Elizabeth's right, what do you want Iselut? Do you want the child or do abort?" I asked.

"I-I... I w-want to d-do abort." She said. It didn't really sound like she wanted that.

"Yeah, we are just 16! We ca-" Tristan was cut off by Elizabeth saying "Come on Tristan, I want to talk to you for a second, okay?"

Tristan nodded and the two walked out of the room. Perfect.

"Iselut, what do you really want? Do you want to do abort or have the child? Don't care about what other's say, what do you want?" I asked and walked up to her.

"I-I want the child." She said. I smiled and said "Then we will support you and help you through it. Tristan haven't a word in this, it was his fault after all. He need to take responsibility for it too."

She smiled and said "T-Thank you."

-Tristan's POV-

We walked out of the room and mom kneed down to my level.

"Tristan, you need to think a bit more of what Iselut wants. Okay? Maybe she would like to have a child." Mom said.

"But we are just 16! We are still going in school! The baby will destroy my life!" I said. She ruffled my hair and said "That was exactly what I thought when I was pregnant with you. That you had destroyed everything for me while dad wanted you. We argued about it and then he didn't let me do abort. Thanks to that, you are here with me and I love you with all my heart. I think it will be the same for you and Iselut, okay?"

That really happened? She didn't want me from the beginning?

"Really?" I asked. She nodded, making me say "I need to think."

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