The reason

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-Meliodas POV-

I woke up and saw that Elizabeth was already gone. The two poor children was still sleeping.

Slowly, I went up from bed and went downstairs to see Elizabeth cooking breakfast. She is such a good chief. At the beginning, her food was as bad as mine, but she really tried to learn how to and so she did.

"Morning." I said as she turned around with a sad smile.

"Morning Meliodas." She said. Then I looked at the two plates with breakfast she have made.,

"It's to Iselut and Tristan. It's both Tristan's favourite breakfast and Iselut's to cheer them up a bit." She said. I nodded and kissed her on the cheek. Then I took one of the trays and said "We can wake them up now."

She nodded and took the other tray as we both walked upstairs towards our room.

"Morning, time to wake up." Elizabeth said as she sat Iselut's tray on the nightstand at her side while I sat down Tristan's on his side.

"We have breakfast to you two." I said as they slowly woke up. Tristan was the one who woke up first and immediately embraced Iselut more. He didn't try to get back to sleep like he usually does. He just laid down and stared at the wall.

"You must eat something, then you can tell us what happened, okay?" Elizabeth suggested as Iselut slowly woke up too. Tears build up in Tristan's eyes as he nodded and slowly sat up, not letting go of Iselut who also had tears in her eyes.

Both me and Elizabeth gave them their trays and they finally let go of each other to eat. Me that was closer to Tristan, sat down beside him, gave him a side hug and and rubbed his back while he ate.

They seemed so lifeless and depressed as they sat and eat. Elizabeth, who was closer to Iselut, gave her a side hug as well while kissing the top of her head.

"It will be okay." Elizabeth said to the, so lifeless you could think they have seen everyone being eaten up by a horrific monster, children. I could just give a nod in agreement.

When the food was eaten up, we put away the trays on the floor as Elizabeth softly said "Okay, now tell us, what happened?"

Tristan immediately went to hug Iselut as he said "W-well, everything was going good u-until someone called I-Iselut. Iselut w-went to take the call a-and when she come back, s-she was stressed a-and panicked because all her homework wasn't done y-yet."

Iselut nearly seemed to hide in Tristan's embrace as he continued "She r-ran up the stairs to continue t-to study as I w-went after her because we a-agreed that s-she would rest yesterday."

Tears started falling from his eyes as Iselut had started crying in his chest. After a sigh, he continued with "W-with all the p-panic and s-stress, Iselut t-tripped when she hurried u-up the stairs and h-hit herself hard. N-nothing seemed to happen to the baby t-there, so we thought w-we was lucky. I helped h-her up and we w-went up the rest of t-the stairs."

He paused, making me put a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring way, then he continued "W-when we c-come up, we walked s-some steps b-before Iselut stopped. I looked at her and she looked down. I-I-I followed her gaze a-and saw blood dripping down from her."

Tristan had also started crying at this point as he hugged Iselut tighter for both comfort and to give some.

"I-I was shocked a-and c-couldn't m-move until Iselut started crying. I realized it was r-real and w-we went to o-our room to m-make sure i-it just wasn't a wound o-on her k-knee o-or something, b-but she was unharmed. W-we started crying a-and a while later, y-you come home." Tristan explained. Elizabeth hugged them while I asked "Who was it that called?"

Iselut was quiet and Tristan didn't seem to know it either.

"You must tell us Iselut, it's important." I said. She g-gave a small nod and mumbled "M-mom."

Her mom did it?!

"Can I see your phone to see what she told you?" I asked. She gave a small nod and said "I-it's i-in Tristan's r-room."

I gave a nod and went to their room to get her phone. It was on their bed. Taking it, I went up to my room again.

Giving the phone to Iselut, she locked it up and gave it to me again. So I went in on her massages and the contact 'mom'

Iselut, this is your last chance to come back home! Get here right now and do abort if you want to come home!

Okay then, if you don't want to, it's fine. You aren't my daughter anymore, but kniw that if you don't get the perfect grades in every subject, I come and get you.

I talked to your teacher today and your grades haven't gone up an inch! I will get you if if haven't improved at least one better grade in every subject this week!

Seriously Iselut, your grades is even worse then before! Your teacher said you haven't gotten to school in 6 weeks! I will come and talk to you!

Iselut, this is your last chance to get your grades up before I come and get you. Understand? I will call you in a week to tell you to pack your things if your grades isn't going up.

This made me so angry and I let my demon mark show. I gave back her phone, I took a picture of it all and stood up.

"Elizabeth, you stay here and reassure Tristan and Iselut." I said and heard a small "Wait." before I walked down the stairs.

I need to talk to someone.

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