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-Tristan's POV-

"I'm home." I said as I walked inside the living room. Mom, dad and Iselut was in the living room teaching her. I smiled as I said "I have some homework for you to keep your grades up. This is what we did in school."

I put her homework on the table as she smiled and nodded.

"Good, we was just getting to the Science." Dad said. Oh no.

"Y-yeah, that's great, b-but I have m-math homework t-to do." I said and tried to sneak off.

"No, no, no. You are not missing any opportunity to learn. Come here right now." Dad said and pulled me on the couch beside Iselut. Maybe it won't be that bad with Iselut here?

"Okay then." I said. Then mom started to teach us some stuff. I'm not really sure of what because I was mostly focusing on Iselut. Her stomach have gotten a bit bigger from how it usually is. Mom was right, I want the child now. I just can't wait for it to come here.

"Tristan? Are you listening?" Dad asked, making me look at him.

"What?" I asked. He then asked "What is the difference between a chemical compound and a molecular?"

"It's-" I was cut off by uncle Ban rescuing me.

"Come on Captain, princess, you are teaching those two kids more then they will ever need to know. Let them have some fun for once." Uncle Ban said.

"How's it going for Lancelot then? What if they are a bit before classes, does it matter anything? Is it too bad?" Dad asked. Seriously?

"What you are teaching them is something they need to know in two years. Let them take a break." Uncle Ban said.

"Ban, that is also the reason Tristan is the best student in class every year." Mom said. I took Iselut's hand and whispered "Let's get out of here now."

She just nodded and we went up to my room while uncle Ban and my parents argued.

-Meliodas POV-

Tristan have just went to school once again and me, Elizabeth and Iselut was in the living room, ready to teach her.

"Okay, we will do math today." Elizabeth said. Iselut nodded and we started teaching. She had it much harder with math then every other subject. Maybe this will take two days?

It have been two weeks since the trip and Tristan is always coming home with a bunch of homework to Iselut. I'm worried it will be too much.

"Iselut, if it's too much, you can just rest. You are pregnant, it's bad for the child if you stress much." I said. She shook her head and said "I want to."

I just nodded as Elizabeth said "Promise to tell us if you need to rest, okay?"

Iselut nodded and then asked "How are you doing this?"

-Iselut's POV-

After we ate dinner, me and Tristan went up to our room. Tristan laid down in bed as I sat down in bed with my math homework.

"Iselut, you are working too much. You are up the whole night doing homework from school, it's too much for you." Tristan said and took my homework.

"No, I need to do it Tristan. Please give me it back." I said. He shook his head and said "No, you need to rest. It's neither good for you nor the baby to stay up all night."

"Tristan, please, give me it." I said. He shook his head with a "No, you need to rest."

Mom will be so angry if she knows that I'm not studying enough. If I don't get the best grades, she will do something. Sometimes, she is like a monster.

"Please Tristan?" I asked. He sighed and said "Okay, but you need to rest tomorrow when all the adults is gone. We can watch a movie or something."

I just nodded and continued to do with my homework. I need to study even more if I will have good grades in even math.

I woke up with my clothes on again and Tristan beside me, playing with my hair. Again. The last week, I have woken up with different hairstyles that Tristan make while I am sleeping. They are beautiful, but I rather just have my hair down sometimes.

"You fell asleep while studying again. Is that how you used to do before too?" He asked. I nodded. It have been like that ever since I started school. Mom have always made me study until I fall asleep except some days where she let me rest. I usually have one day like that each week... but even with all that studying, I can't get good grades if not someone help me. Like here.

"You don't need to do so here. Free time is important. You need to rest more. Just chill out." He said and kissed me. I kissed back and soon we separated.

"Wait, shouldn't you be at school?" I asked. He shook his head and said "It's Saturday, remember?"

"Oh, f-forgot that." I said. He smiled and sat up.

"Mom, dad and the other adults is out, so it is only me, you and Lancelot left home for the rest of the days. Is it something special you want to do?" Tristan asked and looked at my stomach that have become a bit bigger since the trip. Tristan's mom told me to always wear lose clothes from now on because of the size.

"I'm not sure." I said and then gave out a "Eep!" as Tristan pushed me to sit up on top of him.

"Just a bit more then a half year and we will have a child. I can't believe it." Tristan said with a big smile on his face. I got off of him and went to the bathroom to get a bath.

"Where are you going?" Tristan asked, making me say "Take a bath."

"Can I join you?" He asked as I walked out of the door.

"I want to be by myself." I said and went inside.

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