The start of the trip

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-Tristan's POV-

I woke up, cuddling with Iselut. She had already woken up and was playing a bit with my hair.

"Good morning." I said and she immediately stopped and said "S-so sorry."

"It's okay, I liked it." I said and pulled her closer to me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. Then I asked "When the baby is here, do you want to get married?"

I could feel her heat up as she asked "W-with you?"

Opening my eyes, I looked at her and said "Yes, I would love to marry you."

"I-I don't know." She said. A small smile crept up on my face as I said "It's okay to not want to yet. It must be hard just being pregnant in our age."

She just nodded and I sat up.

"Do you want me to get any breakfast for you? Anything at all?" I asked, she shook her head, saying "I can get it."

I smiled at her and said "I can't wait to see those new clothes on you." while putting on my hoddie and some pants. She just blushed and walked in the toilet with her clothes.

As soon as she come out, I walked up to her, took her hand and smiled.

"You are so beautiful." I said, making her blush even more. I just can't wait for our baby. A mini Iselut would be so cute.

. . . . .

We was going on the airplane. It was finally time for our holidays!

Mom and dad sat down in the two seats in front of us, their seats turned to my and Iselut's. We had a 5 stars flight.

"How do you feel for Hawaii now then?" Dad asked. I just looked at Iselut that looked pretty happy. I'm positive that she feels a bit more comfortable after living with us a week.

"Excited." Iselut said. I just nodded and said "I'm happy."

Mom and dad nodded. Then mom spoke "We haven't planned what to do there yet, so just have fun doing what you want."

We both nodded and I looked at Iselut again. She's so beautiful. We talked pretty much and things before it turned late. Me and Iselut was the first to fall asleep.

I woke up and looked out of the window, still night. I sighed and looked at Iselut who sat at the window.

She was sleeping peacefully. Then I looked at mom and dad and the sight made me blush a bit. Dad had his arms around mom, one hand inside her t-shirt and the other around, hand landing on her breast. His face was in her neck as she had her head down and hissed the top of his. Mom also had a hand on dad's private place and shoulder.

Then I looked around to see every other passenger asleep too. Hopefully, no one saw mom's and dad's position.

Embarrassed, I looked at Iselut. Slowly, I took away the armrest between me and Iselut and laid her down. Her head in my lap. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before trying to go back to sleep.

To my luck, I fell asleep pretty fast.

I woke up, feeling someone carres my leg, just above my knee. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Iselut laying down, carefully caressing it. Mom and dad was still sleeping, but they had changed positions. They must have woken up and fallen asleep again or something.

Slowly, I took up my hand and stroke her from head to shoulder over and over. She jumped a bit of surprise before taking away her hand and sitting up.

"I-I'm sorry." She said. I just put my arms around her and said "Don't say sorry, I like being close to you like that."

She blushed and said "O-Okay."

It didn't take much longer for my parents to wake up and the plane arrived at Hawaii.

We went to the hotel, that also was a 5 stars with pool, and went to our rooms. Mom and dad had a own hotel room while me and Iselut also had one.

We started packing up all the things we had with us and when we was done, it was late. I fell on our bed, completely exhausted after the flight and packing everything up.

Then I looked at Iselut that wasn't done yet.

"Want me to help you?" I asked. She shook her head and said "I'm done soon."

It just took one more minute for her to pack it up and then she laid down in bed too, but a bit away.

"Come here." I said and stretched out my hands to her like a baby. She giggled a bit before doing as told. Then I put my arms around her.

"You are already 3 weeks pregnant, it's amazing how fast it been." I said while pulling her in. She just nodded.

"Do you want me to get you any food?" I asked. She shook her head and said "I'm just very, very tired."

"But you need to eat something. Is it something you are craving for? Or you feel like eating?" I asked. She just shook her head and yawned. She is so cute!

"I'm going to get some food for you, try to stay awake." I said and got out of the position we was laying in. I was about to go out of our hotel room when it knocked on the door, making me open immediately.

"That was fast. We are going to eat now, are you coming wi-" I cut dad off by asking "Iselut is really tired. Do you think you could get some food for us? Please?"

Suddenly, mom walked inside to see Iselut sleeping on the bed.

"Iselut? You need to wake up." Mom said softly. She slowly woke up and sat up.

"Great, you need to eat something. It's important you eat all your meals when you are pregnant, okay? Promise me you do." Mom said. She rubbed her eyes and nodded, saying "O-Okay."

"Great, Tristan will get you food while I stay with you." Mom said and then practically kicked me and dad out.

"Come on, just get things done already." Dad said and started walking. Me walking after. We brought a sandwich to everyone, some juice and a chocolate cake to Iselut.

Then we went back to my and Iselut's room, knocking on the door. Mom opened and let us inside.

Dad gave mom her sandwich and juice while I walked up to Iselut with her food.

"Here." I said and held the plate with her sandwich in front of her. She smiled, but shook her head.

"I-I don't want t-to." She said, lightly pushing her away. Then I took the chocolate cake in front of her and asked "This then?"

She shook her head and said "I'm just tired."

At this point, mom and dad had already started eating and chatted happily.

"But you need to eat something. Please." I said. She slowly took the cake and ate some bites.

"N-no more." She said. I just nodded and hugged her, but she suddenly pushed me away and ran up to the toilet. Both mom's and dad's attention was turning to the toilet where it sounded like she was throwing up.

We all immediately ran up to her and I lifted her hair away.

"Mom, dad, what's happening?!" I asked and looked at them. They didn't look that worried as dad responded "You will have to wake up early from now on."

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