A sad night

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-Meliodas POV-

"The movie was amazing!" I said. Everyone nodded. Merlin was the only one that wasn't here. She was working like usually.

"You mean that the princess was amazing." Ban spoke, laughing. Elizabeth just blushed as she asked "W-what do you mean Ban?"

"Well, you two was just kissing the whole movie!" King said, but Diane just gave King a glare and said "It's cute! Don't mess with them because of that!"

"What King said was true. The Captain and Elizabeth was kissing through the whole move." Gowther said as Elizabeth blushed really much. I gave her a smile as Elaine said "Guys, just let it go. What did you think about the movie?"

"Like I said, amazing!" I said, but then went up to Elizabeth's ear and whispered "But not as amazing as you."

That made her blush even more, making me smile.

"Well, what did you other think?" Elizabeth asked, turning his back to me, making me stick out my tongue.

"Captain was right, it was really good." Escanor said. Then Elizabeth turned to face me again, making me take in my tongue before she saw it.

"So, who have the keyes?" Ban asked, all of us face palmed.

"Everyone except you Ban. EVERYONE of us should have the keyes." King scolded, but he just ignored it as Elaine went up to unlock the door.

As soon as she opened the door, we heard crying, making us all run inside. King locking the door. Lancelot was in the living room, sitting in the couch. He looked down at the floor, but wasn't the one who was crying.

"Lancelot?! What happened?! Where is Tristan and Iselut?! Where are the crying coming from?!" I asked as we all threw us off our shoes.

"They are upstairs, in their room." He answered. I nodded and said "Everyone, make some dinner and get things done own here, me and Elizabeth go upstairs and calm the crying."

They all nodded, King and Diane went to make food as Ban and Elaine went to cheer up Lancelot. Escanor and Gowther did whatever.

Me and Elizabeth went up the stairs and as soon as we come in the hallway, we saw blood on the floor. Elizabeth gasped as I took her wrist and ran in Tristan's room towards the crying.

Both Tristan and Iselut was crying on the bed. Tristan was crying, his head on top of Iselut's as she was in his lap and cried. Her legs and the dress end was bloody.

"What happened?!" I asked as me and Elizabeth ran towards the two. They just cried as Tristan said "D-Dad? M-mom?", still crying.

"What happened Tristan? You need to tell us." I said as Elizabeth went to hug the two of them to comfort.

"T-the c-c-child. I-it's d-ead." Tristan cried as I went to hug the three. I nearly cried too, but I can't. Tristan and Iselut need me and Elizabeth to be strong. To comfort them.

We did the best we could to comfort and reassure them, but it still took hours. As it went on, it turned to midnight and they was too tired to cry more.

"Let's get you two fixed up for the night, you can tell us everything tomorrow and you will skip school until you have recovered." Elizabeth said. They just nodded, their eyes dull and nearly... lifeless...

"I will go and make a bath to you two." I said. They didn't respond, but I went anyway. As I got out in the hallway, I saw all the sins and Lancelot outside. The blood gone.

Even Merlin was here.

"What happened?" Merlin asked. I just went to the bathroom as I said "Seems like we won't have another child after all."

I heard some gasps as I put on the water. As I went out in the hallway again, everyone had started walking toward their rooms to get some sleep. They understand that it's not the right time to talk about this.

When I walked inside the room, I saw Elizabeth at the closet, picking out the night clothes for them.

"You can go and clean yourselves now. Don't be in there too long." I said. Tristan just nodded and helped Iselut to the bathroom.

While they went out, I looked at Elizabeth who looked at me too.

"What should we do? How will we cheer them up?" She asked. I went over to her before saying "I don't know."

"I can't even imagine how sad they must be. It's heartbreaking to just hear about it and to see how they are suffering, I just can't stand it." Elizabeth said as I just hugged her.

"I know. It's hard, but we need to be there for them first." I said. She just nodded and we stood there, hugging a couple of minutes.

That was until the door opened and we let go of each other to see Tristan and Iselut walking inside. You could see that they both was at the edge to tears.

"Come on, you two should get to sleep and rest." I said while walking over to the two. They both nodded and sat down in bed.

Me and Elizabeth walked over and was about to put them in bed when Tristan asked "C-Can w-we sleep with y-you? Like w-when I was little a-and had nightmares."

"Of course." Elizabeth said. Tristan stood up and soon did Iselut too. They went to my and Elizabeth's room as me and Elizabeth followed close behind.

Tristan laid in bed first, in the middle, then Iselut laid down close to him. Tristan took his arms around Iselut as Elizabeth laid down behind her. I laid down behind Tristan.

Both me and Elizabeth took our arms around the children as we all went to sleep.

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