Argument at the cafe

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-Tristan's POV-

We all sat at the cafe and ordered our breakfast. Iselut have cravings now, just great. She is craving blueberry, everything that is blueberry. Blueberry pie, blueberry cake, blueberry icecream, anything is fine as long it is blueberry. I'm just happy it isn't some strange craving. I heard that aunt Elaine had cravings for soap when she was pregnant. Thank god uncle Ban didn't let her eat it.

The food finally come and I was so hungry. Iselut had a blueberry pie with vanilla cream and blueberry milkshake. Both mom and dad had a sandwich while I had a apple pie with vanilla cream.

We all ate and talked pretty much. Iselut talked like she was with her own family now. I'm so happy she feels safe around us and that she can be herself.

"Have you planned anything for the day?" Iselut suddenly asked. Mom and dad shook their heads before mom said "But we was planning to take a look around the city. Do you want to come with us?"

"Depends, what are you gonna do?" I asked. Dad was the one answering "Depends."

"Of what?" I asked. Dad smiled and said "If you two come with us, we will probably have a normal family trip around the city. Eating out, sightseeing and things like that."

"And if we don't come with you guys?" I asked. Dad's smile grew bigger and he said "If not, I will probably take your mom on a date an-"

"Okay, what do you think Iselut?" I asked. She thought for a bit before saying "I'm a bit tired, so I won't go."

I nodded and said "I can go with yo-"

Dad cut me off saying "No, no, no, you are staying with Iselut and take care of her. You was the one who caused the pregnancy, making it your responsibility to take care of her and it is still your punishment. You need to learn to give people some respect of both themselves and their wishes. Expectly Iselut's wishes."

"Yes dad." I said as we all was done eating.

"Make sure you two get some fresh air later today, okay? Love you two." Mom said and hugged me and Iselut. We both nodded and then it was dad the ruffled both our hairs.

"Like she said. Tristan, you are doing every little order that Iselut gives you, understand? And Iselut, just call if he doesn't do as you want. Call if something is happens too." Dad said, making me cross my arms and say "You make it sound like I have lost all trust in you."

"We have lost trust in you, at least for you to be alone. I'm always going to make sure that someone looks after you from now on until you have improved your behaviour." Dad said.

"A babysitter?" I asked. He nodded and said "If that's what you want to call it, so yeah, a babysitter for you."

"But I'm 16, not some kind of baby." I said. Dad then said "You should have thought about that before you did something illegal."

We stared at each other a while, arguing with our eyes until I stood up and said "Fine then. Go on your date. I will go up to our room."

"Not without Iselut's permission." Dad said as I rolled my eyes and went up anyways.

-Iselut's POV-

After Tristan went away, his mom and dad turned to me.

"Sorry about him Iselut. We will take you to your room so that you can rest, okay?" His mom said. I nodded and we went up.

"It's just to call us if Tristan make any problems. Maybe you can handle him better then we can. He have actually never acted like this before the law-curt, so we may not be that good handling him right now." Tristan's dad said as we arrived at our room.

"I will call you if it is any problems." I said. They both nodded and we bid our goodbyes. Then I went in my and Tristan's room to see Tristan in bed with crossed arms and looking up in the ceiling.

I walked over to the bed and laid down, making Tristan look at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He just nodded and looked back up. I'm much more comfortable around him right now then before. He is so caring towards me. It wouldn't be a surprise if I fall in love with him in the future.

"Your parents is just caring for you. They really love you." I said. He looked at me a second before getting up and crawling closer to me.

He laid down beside me and pulled me close.

"Maybe, but they treat me like a small kid. It's annoying." He said and put his face in my waist, his arms around my hips.

"They are trying. Your parents supported you and even me with the pregnancy. My mom kicked me out because of that." I said and started playing with his hair that still isn't combed.

"You are right. I guess they aren't that bad." He said. I gave a nod and we laid there in silence a while. It was really comfortable.

"I love you Iselut and I will try my best to win your heart over too." Tristan said and crawled up to lay face to face with me. I smiled and said "I don't think you need to work too hard on that."

He smiles back and pulled me close to him. His eyes are so unique, one blue and one green. I wonder how our baby will look like. I hope he or she have as unique eyes as Tristan.

We laid there, just looking in each other a while. His eyes held so many emotions, happiness, love, joy and so many warm feelings.

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