The end of the trip

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-Tristan's POV-

Mom and dad closed the door and I looked at an embarrassed Iselut.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her a small smile and said "You can continue to bath a bit more if you want. I'm just going to talk to my parents."

She nodded and I put on my clothes before walking out to mom and dad.

"Couldn't you knock?!" I asked. Dad rolled his eyes and said "We did knock, but you never opened. We become worried."

"Call then?!" I asked. Dad shook his head and said "I doubt you would hear that either."

"Why are you even here?!" I asked. Dad smirked as mom said "To embarrass our favourite son of course."

"I'm your only son." I said. Then mom said "We know, but you are still our favourite."

Dad was the next to speak "Okay, we actually come here to ask if you wanted to eat breakfast and go to the beach with us, but we see you two have better things to do."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I said "J-just let it go! You are so embarrassing!"

"Okay, okay, we will go and eat, but prepare yourself to be even more embarrassed because we will tell Iselut everything embarrassing you have done. Ever." Mom said. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I started pushing them out of our room.

"Bye." I said and closed the door. Then I went back to Iselut who had just gotten up from the bathtub.

"Are you done already?" I asked. She nodded and said "Yes, thank you Tristan."

"For what?" I asked. She just giggled and said "For making the bath."

I gave her a smile and said "Always."

. . . . .

We was in Sweden now and it was much more boring then I thought. I don't understand why I wanted to come here in the first place.

They had a waterpark that was really big and a amusement park that had all kind of different things, but it was cold here.

We was in Stockholm, the biggest city in Sweden. Iselut and I was just walking around, looking at the many shops to see a souvenir before we go back home tomorrow.

Suddenly, Iselut stopped and looked at a dress in the window.

"Do you want me to buy it to you?" I asked. She shook her head and said "N-no thanks. It won't fit when I'm pregnant anyway."

Her stomach have already started growing a bit. You could see it is a bit bigger, but not much. She haven't any morning sickness either.

I took a last glance at the blouse before we continued walking. Then I saw a small cafe.

"Hey, you can go and decide what you want at that cafe. I'm just going to do something. I saw a souvenir I will buy. I'm back in a sec." I said.

-Iselut's POV-

I nodded and walked over to the cafe. For the first time in a while, I felt like eating something else then blueberry... but I don't know what. It's just... something warm with a bit fruity flavour.

It was so many options too. Maybe apple pie? Or raspberry pie?

As I stood, trying to decide, Tristan come back with a bag.

"Have you decided what you want yet?"  He asked. I shook my head as he asked "Which are you deciding between?"

"The apple pie and raspberry pie." I answered. He smiled and said "Let's buy both and share it."

I blushed as he was already on his way to pay. Two minutes later, he had both pies and some juice. Smiling, he went to a table, me following.

We sat down in front of each other as Tristan placed down our shopping bags.

He sliced the pie slices on the half and put the pies so that we both had a half of both. Then he gave me one of the plates.

That made me blush even more. I'm not really sure when, but sometime in, I think it was Bulgaria, I fell in love with Tristan. He is so kind to me. It feels like he really care for me. More then both mom and dad together.

We started eating as Tristan started talking. He have always something to talk about. It's like he can't stop. It's funny.

I really do love him. Just waking up with his arms wrapped around me every morning is amazing. So amazing.

Just thinking I will have a child with him. It's a dream that I never would want to wake up from.

"-y Iselut? Are you okay?" Tristan asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and said "I'm okay. Thanks."

Blushing even more at his concern, I looked down.

"You sure? Your whole face is red." He said. I just nodded and said "Y-yes, just a bit warm."

He nodded and said "Let's go back to the hotel then."

With a nod, we went back to the hotel room. I laid down in bed and started the tv. After looking through some tv channels, I decided what to watch.

As the movie was starting to get more interesting, Tristan laid down beside me, put his arm around me and his face in my waist.

"When the baby is here with us, I want to marry you, if it's okay with you." He said. I turned to lay on my side so his face faced my stomach instead before stroking his hair.

Blushing like crazy, I said "S-sure."

He looked up at me in the face a second before he started laughing. What? Did I do something? Or was he just playing with me? Joking around?

Suddenly, he come up and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm gonna ask you that for real soon enough. I will get the most beautiful ring for you and when we are married, I will spoil you and that kid of ours." He said. I smiled and said "Thank you for doing all this Tristan."

"I would do anything for you." He said and put his arms around me again.

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