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Company was not sought after, not in the slightest. Yet, there she stood, and Y/n was really trying her best not to acknowledge the fact that from where she sat on the concrete, she could, in fact, see up Duke's skirt. It took a decent amount of restraint to not burst out laughing, but she doubted it would fit the situation, because Duke was definitely yelling at her over something.

She was just trying to enjoy her lunch break outside, when the girl clad in green approached her and began to create a scene. Well, not a scene. Nobody was watching, but a situation, none the less.

Duke was towering over her, spouting nonsense about social hierarchy or something like that.

"... so don't think for a second- that just because Heather is gone means you get to rein supreme or anything, because that's not how it works."

"Ma'am yes ma'am," she replied with a firm solute.

"Are you fucking mocking me?" She hissed, putting her hands at her sides and glaring at the girl beneath her.

"I'd never dream of it, Heather," her tone was nothing but apathetic. When would they get that she didn't give two shits about social hierarchy? The entire reason she was popular was because she refused social hierarchy and just did what she wanted, talked to people, was nice to people.

"Ugh! your such a smartass bitch!" Duke was practically seething now. Just like Chandler would seethe when her intimidation tactics failed. Duke was a fine apprentice, indeed.

"Right back at ya, shoulder pads. Can you split? It's starting' to smell like fish."

Alright, maybe that little jab was too far, but she was pretty sure a kick to the nose via Dukes heel was just a tad over dramatic.

"Ah- Fuck! Jesus!" Y/n groaned, unconsciously bringing her hands up to her nose, that was apparently bleeding, "God, you people are extreme. Feel better, Princess?" She clutched her nose as she stood back up.

"Don't screw with me. Make myself clear?" Duke asked in a venomous tone, crossing her arms again. Y/n scoffed and slung her bag over her shoulder,

"Oh hop off, Duke. That was a cheap shot, I was literally sitting down. I could chew you up and spit you out, and you know it,"

"Are you challenging me, slut?"

"No, I'm not. Jesus christ. Just like I said, You people take everything to the extreme. Everything is so personal, isn't it? Why can't you just coexist?!" Y/n asked with an exasperated sigh.

"You're such a-"

"Save it, for the love of God, save it. Hail Duke. Or whatever the fuck you want me to say to sustain your ego, okay?" She spat, cradling her nose.

"Just, god- I'm literally bleeding. Yeah. Later Heather."

Y/n groaned as she made her way into the school, still holding her now very bloody nose. She could taste the blood running down into her mouth.

"Fuckin, gremlin bitch..." she muttered, making a beeline for the ladies room, Desperate to stop the blood flow before she got blood on her clothes.

"Woah... Y/n? What happened, dude?"

It was Kurt, exiting the men's room, and very obviously reeking of weed. 'Slick,' thought Y/n.

"Oh, someone just got their feelings hurt and reallllyyy needed to feel in control of the situation. It's nothing, man."

"Nothing?! You're bleedin'! Hang on, lemme get some like, paper towels, or something, hang on!," Kurt insisted, running back into the men's room before Y/n could inform him that the entire reason she came over here was to get paper towels herself.

The genuine concern made her smile, though. And the fact that he said 'hang on,' twice was cute.

Soon enough, back he came with damp paper towels in one hand, dry in the other, "Kay. I got wet, to wipe the blood off, and dry, to wipe afterwards," he smiled, handing her said paper towels.

She smiled, and thanked him.

"So who did this?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Ehh, doesn't matter. I'm good now," she smiled.

Moments later the boys door swung open again, to reveal Ram, who stank of weed way worse than Kurt, and looked way less exited to see Y/n.

"Seriously, man? This is what's holding you up? You said you had more in your locker, c'mon man!" He whined, crossing his arms to further display his discontentment.

"Dude calm down, give me a minute, I'll get it."

"A minute? Man, lunch nearly over, asshole!"

"In a minute Ram, I'm just talking."

"Kurt, come on, man, let's goooo, or I swear to god I'm gonna- like-"

"Fuck off, man! I'm having a goddamn conversation!"

This stunned both Ram and Y/n, and while Ram just swore and retreated off to probably Kurts locker, Y/n was still taken aback. The way Kurt prioritized her just then. It was so- not Kurt.

Was she really making a significant impact on his life? One big enough that Kurt, the most stereotypical jock alive, would snap at his friend, for disregarding and passive aggressively acknowledging her?

"Sorry about Ram, he gets dicky-er when he's high." Kurt explained, nervously. Nervously? Boy, times were changing.

"No it's cool, Kurt. Thank for... whatever that was? Like, you called him out for treating me like less than a human, I guess. That's really good character, dude. " She smiled.

Kurt smiled back and offered his hand out for the used paper towels. She thanked him once again.

"Y'know, Kurt," he turned his head toward her to show he was listening, "I know you and Ram are best friends. But like, I guess right now you're kind of like my best friend? I dunno. Crazy as it is, you're kinda the only person I moderately spend time with. So...take that as you will." she rambled, because she knew Kurt would love to hear this information.

"Dude, really! That is dope! Y/n you're so scarily cool, like, kinda threatening cool, This is sick!" He laughed, putting his hand on her shoulder and smiling, "I've always wanted you to think I was cool, too!"

Now that was a stretch, but she would never mention it. She figured she'd keep the himbo happy.

But in reality, Kurt wasn't 'cool' like he wished he was. He was dorky, and non-threatening, and Y/n found that refreshing. Besides, she still took pride in being the first girl Kurt talked to that he didn't immediately objectify.

It was then that the lunch bell sounded and Y/n smiled and told Kurt she'd see him around, to which he enthusiastically agreed.

The thought of someone getting exited about Y/n's presents should have made Y/n feel good, but it just made her start to relapse.

Veronica used to be excited about her. So did Jason. Even Chandler, eons ago. Was she setting herself up again?

She'd think about it later, probably when she would be attempting to sleep. 

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now