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Monday- after the party 

Kurt has never been a quiet boy. It seemed he always had something to say. Some would add that he seemed to have something to say far too often then he needed to.

Pervy comments to the ladies and chats of the latest football game always seemed to be pouring out of his mouth more than anyone with a decent IQ cared to listen to.

So when he arrived at school and sat silent, semi-anxious and tapping his pencil a bit too frequently, students took notice. Especially his best friend.

He heard faint conversation over the matter, students saying things like, "I bet his dad beat his ass after that party he threw." but he barely processed it.

"What's got you all janked up, you high or somethin'?" Ram asked, flicking him in the back of the head.

He could only shrug and hum an "I dunno" in response.

"You don't know if you're high or not?" His friend kept on.

Oh right, he'd asked him if he was high, hadn't he? The question didn't seem to resonate in his brain long enough to remember to reply to it the first time.

"What? Oh, uh...I'm not like, high or anything. Just like, out if it man. I dunno." He was sure that was a good enough explanation. After all, it's not uncommon people to feel spacey, it's just...

Kurt was a bit too stupid to be caught up in thought. While Ram couldn't say he was smart himself, he knew that much about his freind, so he pushed further. "No, dude, something got you like this, there's definitely a reason."

Kurt was about twenty seconds into this conversation and he could already sense himself becoming ticked off, "Lay off, Jesus."

Rams expression turned sour, "What's up your ass all of the sudden?" now both of their tones turned somewhat cold, but in a passive aggressive way.

Shoving his head in his arms, Kurt wished he had just blamed his mood on some weed, then this whole chat wouldn't be happening. He really, really wished this chat wasn't happening. Why?

Because Kurt was feeling guilty over a girl, a stupid fucking girl.

Girls where nothing more then stupid blabbering, bleeding drama queens with no use except a good blowjob once and a while, so why was he feeling so guilty over one?

He thought that maybe it was because Y/n wasn't stupid. She was no doubt smarter than him. Maybe it was because she wasn't a blabbering drama queen who would give the football team blowjobs without a second thought. She acted like a human.

She was sensible enough, rational for sure, and seemingly above whoring herself off and linking her worth to her body. Maybe that made Kurt respect her a little.

And maybe, ticking off someone who you thought highly of, was a pretty crappy feeling.

Even though she was above the typical glaring or obvious attempts to portray anger that other girls threw at others just so they would get the memo, Kurt couldn't help but feel bad, despite the lack of evidence that this even affected her.

He had glanced over at her several times during his second period, then again in fourth period, desperate for some sort of attention, or sign that she at least still thought about what happened, he got nothing.

Nothing but the knowledge that even with her monotone voice and apathetic attitude (not that Kurt knew what apathetic meant) she took her world history notes with a set of brightly colored gel pens. And the irony of that alone made Kurt want to giggle a little bit.

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now