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Trigger Warnings: Homophobic Slurs, mention of attempted suicide. Also hi guys, i'm back (for now) 

Sometime in the fall~ 1989

It was getting so cold.

Any traces of summer had withered away into the past. The sun sat further and further away, soon it would be too far to warm the earth at all, and everything would be cold, grey, and dead.

Yet, after leaving the courtyard, the cold did nothing to stop the warm heat rising to Y/n's cheeks.

She ran into the building after parting ways with Kurt. The hallways were empty, she was going to be late regardless.

Breathing heavily, she crouched down to the floor and shoved her bright red face into her hands.

"Holy shit," she muttered, "Holy shit" because there's no way that just happened.

He liked her. He wanted to be with her.

Maybe she wasn't ready just yet, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be ready soon.

As much as she wasn't used to feeling this way, she was fucking giddy.

Not only that, but she got closure. Kurt hadn't meant to hurt her.

No matter how shitty things were, how many awful things had just happened, she got to have this moment.

A moment of normalcy. A moment where she was just a girl, flustered by her crush. Her crush that didn't try to kill her after all. Her crush that liked her back.

God it was embarrassing , this wasn't the cool, down to earth, lowkey badass persona she embodied, this was preppy school girl shit.

Then the second late bell rang, and reality set in.

God, she needed to get herself together. Flustered in the hallway over a boy? Couldn't be her.

Plus she rejected him anyway. Well- not really, but, whatever.

'Work on yourself, fix a few easier problems, get to a stable mental state. That's what you have to do. For yourself, mostly, but for him now, too.'


Her head snapped up from where it sat in her hands.

"Oh, hey Veronica."

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good, just exhausted. You?"

Veronica played with the hem of her skirt, something was on her mind.

"Since I caught you here- I need to ask you something."

And holy shit- the murder. The blackmailing. And she thought the late bell was a reality check.

"Yeah? What is it?" She asked, slowly standing back up from her crouched position on the floor.

"Could you come to my house after school? Please?"

Her first instinct was hell no. What if it was a trap? Dead people? Remember?

"Veronica, I don't think-"

"Just us!" She cut in, "Please, I need to talk to someone right now."

Y/n's heart twisted. Veronica couldn't be lying. Y/n knew what lying looked like. But still, she felt gross.

Eventually, she looked down at her feet, scuffing them a few times to get the gears turning in her head.

"Okay, but- I'm telling my dad where I am. So, he'll know if something happens to me."

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now