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 you thought I died but I didn't     //not yet proofread//

She came home just before the sun started its journey through the sky. Tired, exhausted, finished. A sudden rush of wind wrapped the land, sending a chill down her spine. Then it was quiet again. A reminder, maybe? 

 She stepped up to the porch to discover the living room lights on and the sound of distressed near-yelling coming from inside. Instantly, guilt overcame her, he was probably worried sick.

"No, Charlie, I don't care if it hasn't been twenty four hours yet! My daughter has been gone since before I came home and I need you to find her goddamn you! That is your jo-"

The creaking of the door caused him to snap his head around. Meekly, she brought her hand up to wave at him and he let out a sigh of pure relief, "Thank god, oh thank god!"

The faint scoff of the supposed cop on the other end was barely registered as the phone was hung up and he ran over,

"Oh Christ, Y/n where were you? Are you okay? There was a washcloth with blood and the door was unlocked- I didn't know what to think. Oh honey," he breathed, gripping her tight and holding her head with his hands.

"I'm sorry," her voice quivered a bit, but not much, "I went to Heathers grave. Last night I just-"

She couldn't explain, not at all, but she couldn't lie. A half truth would have to do.

"Everything just hit me all at once- and I just.. I needed to go see her. I'm sorry I freaked you out."

"The washcloth?"

"I had a really bad nose bleed. I promise I'm okay."

"Y/n, If your stress level's bad enough that you're having nose bleeds again, I think you need to stay home for a few days." He was so worried, but restrained himself and spoke softly. Trying to coax her into the idea. It honestly didn't sound too bad. A few days of solitude sounded nice. 

Would Kurt be okay? She wondered for a brief moment. But when her father hugged her again, and she had to hold in a cry of pain from the hole in her stomach, she decided that Kurt would be fine for a few days.


They found the boys the next morning, completely by accident. Heathers mother was bringing by some flowers to her late daughter when she found them.

The police didn't say much, only that the boys got drunk and signed some sort of suicide pact, but only one went through with it. Kurt was in hysterics, they'd said, barely knew up from down and could barely recall anything.

We didn't plan this- I woke up and he was dead. Someone killed him and I think they want to kill me too! He'd said, but nobody took that as a plausible answer.

Denial, they'd said. He was too afraid to admit the truth, and possibly too drunk at the time to realize they were even making a pact.

They'd said a lot of things Kurt didn't understand. So he just asked if he could go home, and that was that.


Much like the police, the school also refused to believe anything but the supposed Romeo-and-Romeo suicide pact he apparently was a part of, only they were far less kind then the cops had been.

Now sticky notes adorned his locker, which words he'd spat at others to many times to remember.

He wished he could say he wanted Ram there. At least to suffer along side him, but no. They hadn't died friends. They were just two guys who stuck together because even though they tried to tell themselves that they were liked, the truth was that everyone else hated them. In the end he would miss Ram, if not for his friendship then for his unrelenting ability to pretend to be his friend for so long, but didn't want him here. Not now. Ram wasn't what he needed.

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now