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 No beta we die like JD.

The beginning of the end started with a phone call.

It was Friday. There was a pep rally going on at the high school, which seemed a bit pointless, since there was a low chance their team would win the upcoming game. But, we digress.

However, not everyone was at said pep rally. Two of which being Veronica and Y/n, for vastly different reasons.

While Y/n decided to stay home in hopes to relax and indulge in old habits, Veronica Sawyer was preparing for the final act of her own high-school-take on a Shakespearean tragedy.

Some hippie music of sorts streamed softly through the bedroom, barely audible, side by side with swirling rings of smoke. The stench was revealing, but it was a problem for a later time.

For now, Y/n was content to lie face-to-face with the ceiling fan, enjoying the feeling of the high creeping deeper into her body.

Then the phone rang.

She didn't planning on answering at first, but then it went to voicemail, and she heard Veronica's voice.

"Y/n, are you there?! I need help- something really fucking bad is about to happen."

She sounded like she was in hysterics, and thus, the high was ruined.

Y/n trudged toward the landline and picked up the line, "It's me, what's happening?"

"Are you alone?!" Her wavering voice was slowly dragging Y/n back to reality.

"Shit- uh, yeah. Fill me in."

"JD's going to blow up the fucking school!"

"I- What?!" for a moment Y/n wasn't sure if she'd smoked too much or if that's actually what she was hearing.

"He's blowing up the school, I need help- please!"

"God- what the hell? What do you need me to do?"

"I'm going after him, I need you to evacuate the gym- that's where it's setting off."

"Jesus, yeah. I'm on my way, good luck."

"Thank you, Y/n"

The phone call was rushed, since time was very much of the essence.

Y/n was already at a disadvantage, since driving was out of the equation, and she didn't own a bike. Running was the only option.

Down the streets, past the cemetery and the gas station, past the diner- but then she saw it. She halted to a stop, which unfortunately allowed her body to catch up with her and caused her to double over and wretch out the contents of her stomach.

But she was right, Kurt's car was in the parking lot.

The diners door chime barely had any time to ding before Y/n was slamming her hand on the surface of Kurt's table, where he sat alone, drinking a milkshake. His eyes filled with confusion when they landed on her distressed face.

"Y/n! What are-"

"I need a ride to the school, now!"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" she screeched, Veronica's hysteria rubbing off on her, "Please! I need your help, Kurt. I'll explain later, just help me Kurt!"

That seemed to persuade him, since he fished out a five from his pocket, threw it onto the table, and started toward the door, Y/n hot on his heels.

Within minutes, they were on the road; Kurt began pressing for answers.

"Y/n, what is going on?"

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now