
524 19 15

Late October, 1989

As time passed on, Kurt found himself engaging in daily conversations with Y/n, in classes, between classes, and after school sometimes.  They even began to regularly associate at parties. Y/n was softening a lot more around him, and her dependance on quick and witty remarks to sound collected began to lose importance. 

Kurt had asked her a couple times to hang out with Ram, but every time, she declined, claiming she didn't care much for his douchy counterpart. 

Kurt understood, but he still really wanted to spend more time with her, on purpose, not just when they happened to share a class or be at the same party. He had a new friend, one he really liked, and he wanted to start hangout like real friends, too. 

He had tried to talk her into letting him eat lunch with her, but she didn't want his rep tarnished on his account. People who sided with the Heathers treated her like shit, still throwing papers at her and leaving nasty little notes on her locker. She didn't want Kurt to face that too. 

But still, if it was outside of school, maybe she'd say yes? 

The opportunity to test his theory presented itself in the form of Y/n walking to her locker to shove in her books before leaving the school, the day had just ended. Kurt took in a breath, reminded himself that this was a friend  he was approaching, and walked over to her,

"Hey, Y/n," he chirped, maybe a bit too enthusiastically. Had it been too enthusiastic? Y/n didn't seem to care, though, and waved with a fond smile.

"Sup, man? How was Horticulture?" she asked, knowing full well that he probably slept. Most seniors did nothing during those classes. 

"Ehh boring, all we did was pick tomatoes and feed the teachers chickens," 

"Figured. My period just sat in the garden and did homework." 

"Yeah. Hey Y/n?"


"Whatcha doin today?"

The question caught her a little off guard, but not as much it she would've been before they started talking so often, but she grabbed her chin and thought about it for a second.

"Uhh, other than Jesse's bonfire? Squat. You?"

"I don't have anything either, so uh, do you wanna go hang out or something? Before Jesse's?" he asked, holding his breath. She once again, looked thoughtful, before answering,

"Uhh maybe, I gotta be home by like six, cause I need to clean my room and finish the trig assignment. But... I can hang out until then. As long as Ram isn't there. Whatcha got in mind?"

He smiled, she'd said yes, and she didn't make it awkward, or make it seem like a big deal. He was grateful. 

"Yeah, no Ram! Of course, umm, Lucy's? The Diner?" He asked, feeling stupid for the clarification, of course she knew the name of the only diner in town?"

"Dude, I haven't been there in like half a year, I kinda miss it," she smiled

"That long, why not? That place is great, man."

"Not like I have anyone to go with," she said without thinking, but not regretting it. It was true after all, a reminder of her deeply embedded loneliness. Slightly killed the mood but, there've been deeper losses. Kurt coughed a bit, regretting the question. 

Noting his slight discomfort, she piped in again, "Which is why we gotta go, I miss that place." 

He smiled again.

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