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//trigger warning: slight existential crisis-y themes//

July 6th, 1989

Summer heat radiated down on the small town of Westerburg. The streets where dotted with firework trash from the Fourth of July bashes that'd been thrown all around.

Conversation between Y/n and Kurt had been scarce since the release from school, which felt strange to Kurt.

Of course, they'd occasionally meet at parties, and there might be small talk from time to time, but that's as far as the trail went.

Kurt noted that when he'd spoken to her, (when he was sober, that is) that she'd softened a bit. She was kinder, he supposed.

But by the time Kurt was three sheets to the wind, she'd make her exit. Probably off to a quit room where her friend, the boy whose name he never did remember, would surely be there waiting for her.

They'd been notably close, closer than he'd seen Y/n with anyone else, yet this didn't intimidate him like it did that one night. Maybe it was because he finally understood when people told him, 'Jason is gay and they're relationship is platonic.' Kurt remembered having to look up the word platonic in the dictionary.

His jealousy was also tamed by the fact that he'd been having more peaceful encounters with the girl since he'd apologized to her that one day back in school.

If you asked Y/n, she was just being civil, because that day, Kurt proved that he was a person worth being civil to. Don't be mislead, he was still a horny jackass who got hard from any female that walked by, but he wasn't the exact same person.

He'd let up on the relentless flirting with Y/n, talked to her with more respect. He'd make his moves here and there, but it never crossed the line like it used to. She knew how out of character it used to be for him, and let herself take a little pride in feeling responsible for it.

They weren't friends, not by a long shot, but they weren't just piers either. Call it... glorified acquaintances, if you will.

Y/n, as earlier mentioned, had been spending a good chunk of her summer with her newfound friend. She and Jason had grown fairly close since that same party that held significance to Kurt.

She began to open up to him about her crippling loneliness and the dissociative state she felt trapped in, and he confided in her just the same. Tales of his abandonment issues from his father and his former lover brought into light in those vulnerable nights they shared.

Most importantly, they felt connected to one another. They felt like real friends, but on a much deeper plane, they were platonic soulmates. Y/n had always felt like her mind was out lost on an island, stuck in a different feild of existence, and that she was truly separated from her reality.

But he found her there, he saw the island, and he built a pathway over to his own.

So that night, when she was over at his house, quoting old inside jokes and destroying a pizza, he prepared for the moment when her island would migrate farther than it'd ever been before.


"I'm leaving."

There was no build up. No easing into it. It was just spat out as if it wasn't a heavy reveal at all. She was caught off guard, to say the least.

"I uh... elaborate?" she questioned, unsure of the new mood that set itself over his bedroom. She wanted to tread very carefully.

"My mom, she uh, got offered a promotion, to manage the Albany branch. She's really proud of it, and, wants a fresh start for me. Cause...the bullying and all."

Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now