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(very short. this was the first half of the chapter but i'm deciding to post it as an apology for my absence, enjoy)

//Saturday// After the party

Kurt didn't expect to wake up pitifully hungover in the middle of his stairwell, but that's where he found himself. The floor was covered in spilled beer and various snacks.

The ringing running throughout his head was excruciating, to say the least, and he felt as if he'd pass back out if he attempted to stand up.

Alas, something had to be done about his piercing migraine.

The smell of beer and pot hung in the air relentlessly, causing him to grimace. Partys were great, but the morning after makes you question whether or not it was worth it.

Desperately needing some sort of solace to his headache, Kurt shoved the red solo cups off his body, finally stood up (despite how dizzy he felt from doing so) and walked down the steps, kicking other left behind reminisce of the night out of his path.

The sound of his door closing has caused him to flinch. He staggered in a nauseous haze over to the front door, where he saw Heather Duke leaving his house, and a very pleased Ram staring at her through the window, foolishly pleased.

Kurt came up behind his friend and put a hand on his shoulder. Ram hadn't heard him come up behind him, and let out a gasp as he put his hand over his chest in surprise, "Dude speak first or something."

"Sorry man. Aspirin?" Kurt asked, in a monotone voice.

Ram aggressively nodded, having the same overwhelming need for relief from the past nights' endeavors.

"How many?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot." Ram groaned as he sat down at Kurts kitchen counter and let his head sink down into his arms.

"Alrighty, my guy." Kurt replied as he trudged into the kitchen after his friend.

He fished through his cabinet and pulled out the small white pill container. Bingo.

Ram lifted his head up and sat his chin where his face had been, and made eye contact with Kurt, "So what was the deal with you and Y/n last night?" He inquired.

Kurt looked up just as he had poured 4 small pills into his hand. There was a deal between him and Y/n? He hadn't remembered.

'Was I that drunk?' He thought to himself.

Several images passed through his brain as he wondered what sort of 'deal' they had. He couldn't help but get slightly exited.

"I don't know man, refresh my memory. Was she here this morning?" He asked as he let his wishful thinking get the better of him. He hadn't pegged her for the type to sleep with someone at a party, but one could hope.

Ram understood what his friend thought had gone down and shook his head to kill the suspicion, "No man, she left before midnight. People were saying they saw you fighting or something." He responded.

Kurt attempted to search his memory for some sort of fitting event to Rams accusations. After a few moments of thought, he remembered. Well, bits and pieces, you could say.

"Shiiiiiiiitttttttttt man." He groaned as he passed two pills to Ram and popped the other two himself.

"Dude, don't tell me you fucked things up the moment you went up there to talk to her. That's like, another level of failure."

He laughed an unnecessary amount and Kurt couldn't even force himself to join.

He felt absolutely livid toward himself and his own actions. Who knows what he said to her. For all he knew, he could've ended any chance he had at speaking with her again because he was drunk and stupid.

After Rams stupid laugh fest Kurt took a deep breath and looked at him, "Well I gotta like, clean up or whatever. Do you wanna help-"

He didn't even finish as Ram rushed to the front door, "Sorry my guy, busy day."


He shot finger guns and started walking to who knows where.

As soon as Ram left, Kurt let out a loud groan of frustration and chucked the pill bottle at the wall. It made a loud popping noise and hit the ground with a thud.

"Damnit!" He yelled as he slammed his palms on the counter. "Damnit!" He stood bent over the counter for a few minutes before sighing in defeat.

He gathered his thoughts and tried to convince himself to be apathetic.

But of course, his hope for relief of his mistakes was in vain.

Groaning in aggravation one last time, he regained his swagger and began to roam around the house and pick up all the party trash.

There were plenty of other hot girls at Westerberg. Why did it matter to him if he didn't end up making a successful move on someone like Y/n?

Kurt wouldn't be able to answer that.

Why did he feel something drop in his stomach when he heard he had gotten into a fight with her? Why did he want to apologize so bad?

Kurt definitely wouldn't be able to answer that.


Like a Bullet to the Chest (Heathers: a Kurt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now