Chappy uno

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!!!NIAMH, LACEY, MAE STOP!! Do not read this because istg if I find out you did imma shoot u bitches!!!
Love you <3

A/n dunno if I'm the only one who likes this ship but I don't care
Does anyone like this ship??


Hikari pov

I know I used to like manaka and I still act like I do but I don't. I haven't told anyone but I'm kinda.......... gay. I knew when I started staring ad buff guys bodies instead of chicks tits.

I now kinda have a schoolboy crush on tsumugu (is that how you spell it? Idk) but I'm pretty sure he's straight. I mean he spends all his time staring at manaka and she spends all her time staring at him. It's so obvious they like each other so I'm gonna try and get them together. I mean if he's happy I'm happy.

Ill probably be crushed and cry myself to sleep for weeks but it'll be worth it at some point. His happiness is worth the world to me. I know that seems kinda cheesy but I don't give a damn, this is my problem and I'll take it to my grave, die alone cus I ain't hooking up with no girl for the sake of it. If it comes down to it I'll date kaname cus he's a great guy but he's into chisaki so he's out. I'll die alone. Oh well. Guess that's my fate.

I think I might tell akari cause I can trust her, I'll say she can tell dad cus I trust him too but I ain't doing it myself incase he murders me .......ha ha.

That's it. I'm gonna tell my family I'm gay and no matter what they say I'll stick to my beliefs if that's what you can call it. I friggin love tsumugu and that fact won't change. I wanna be held in his arms and be able to be with him but the guys probably straight!! Argh what do I do???!!


Tsumugu pov

I think I'm in love. But not with a girl. I never considered the possibility that I could be in love with him but who knows. I kinda like hikari but he only has eyes for manaka...... I think. I sometimes catch him staring at me then looks away with a cute blush on his cheeks. I've fallen for the guy. That's not good. What would gramps say? Knowing him it'd be 'I don't care, do what you want.' He's a weirdo but kind.

I'm contemplating telling him, hikari I mean. Should I consult gramps or kaname first. Probably. I mean ones my family and ones my friend.

Gramps already knows I'm bi so he'll understand.

I can't wait till tomorrow.

I'm gonna tell him. I don't care what he says. At least it'll be off my chest.

(A/n I just played cards with my family and my dad kept stealing the cards I needed so I'm pretty angry!)

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