Chappy trece

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A/N: sooooo sorry for the long wait, tbh I kinda forgot about this fic and now I feel really bad about it so here's another update :)

Tsumugu pov:

I was a mess sat in the waiting room when gramps arrived. I was hunched over sobbing like a pathetic lost puppy. I couldn't cope with everything and barely registered when I was hoisted into an awkward hug. I stood there for a moment before wrapping my arms around him. I buried my head in his shoulder and sobbed. He moved his hand up to gently stroke my hair, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, trying to make it so that I could forget, if just for a moment, what's happening and how my world has come crashing down all around me.

I slowly released gramps from my grasp and plopped back down into the chair, my head hung low and my hair covered my eyes. Gramps sat down and nestled into the chair next to me, placing his hand comfortingly on my shoulder, just to remind me that I'm not alone.

The sound of shoes along the laminate floor had my head snapping up to meet the doctor's eyes before me. My eyes searching his face for any indication that I may get for what was about to come tumbling out of his mouth. He met my gaze with a stern look.

He sighed.

"We'll Mr Kihara, we did all we could."

I was all prepared to burst into tears right on that very spot, before he began again. "He should be stable now, however I do warn you, this incident has left him extremely injured and he could take months to heal, there will be no doubt many scars and, if his arm doesn't heal correctly we may have to consider some form of amputation."

I dropped to the hospital floor and tears spilled across my cheeks, except this time accompanied by a smile, albeit subtle, but it was still there. My hands shakily reached up to grasp at my shirt, just above my heart as I cried. "Oh thank god, thank you so much"

The man just looked down at me, turned on his heel and walked away. He stopped and looked over his shoulder and said "he's been moved to room 306."

I sat there on that cold hard floor and let that sink in, processing what he had just told me as his shoes echoed down the hall.

I wiped my tears. I stood up in one swift movement and started walking, casually with my hands in my pockets. I heard the rustle of clothes as gramps stood behind me. "Where do you think you're going?" He commanded. I spun around, "Where do you think?" I exclaimed before I turned and started to jog happily down the halls.

I reached the elevator and quickly pressed the up button, still jogging on the spot from the adrenaline.

The doors opened with a quiet ping as people filtered out and I drifted in, hitting the number three as the doors closed.

When I reached the floor I was meant to be on, the one hikari was on, I started running. I darted out of the elevator and started looking for room 306, hoping it was somewhere close.
I searched the halls for what felt like forever before I came across this hallway.




Ah hah!!!!
306 at last!!

I stopped. Thinking whether I should actually enter. I traced the plain gold lettering with my index finger as I gathered my thoughts.

Would he actually want me there?

Would he prefer someone else?

Am I even ready to see him like this?

The answer to all of those questions will remain uncertain until I push open this blue door.

I heave the door outwards, gently stepping in. The room was a pale blue with white curtains swaying in the cool night air, the window obviously left open to a irate this stuffy place. There was a small table next to the bed painted white to match the rest of the room. a lamp sitting on top. The curtains around his bed had been pulled back to allow me to see him.

My breath hitched as I saw him, laying there just...... empty.

Machines crowded around him, all hooked up to various parts of his body. His face was bloody and bruised, bandages littering his whole body, a cast sat on his left arm and crutches sat by the bed, so that must mean he also has a leg injury.

I pulled a stool over to his right side and sat down, gently taking his hand into both of mine and laying my head on top. I sniffed as a few tears leaked out.

I felt a sob well up within my soul as I muttered a small "I'm sorry"

A/N: oh my Lordy lord I am sooooooo sorry for the what? A little less than a year wait. The only reason I'm finishing this is because my friend found this fic and told me to do a big thanks to Niamh!!!!!
Also sorry if my writing style has changed cus ya know it's been a little under a year, anyways hope you enjoy.

Oh yeah and also don't expect any consistency with updated, sorry. I'll basically update when my friends nag me enough to write another chapter lol. But until then, enjoy :))))

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