Chappy quatro

521 16 17

Hikari pov:

I'm so scared
Today's the day I confess to tsumugu!!
But what if he rejects me? Argh!!
Whyyyyyyy?! Why did I have to fall so in love with this guy?

As I'm getting ready for school all these negative thoughts are bubbling up in my brain and driving me into a sea of depression and sadness. I think that I just killed my mood. I was happy when I woke up but now not so much.

I'll just talk to him before school. Yeah sounds like a plan.  Ok that's that. Let's go to school.

— — time skip — —

After I met up with kaname and chisaki we start walking to school. Funny. Tsumugu isn't here. Or manaka. He's usually on his boat with his grandpa or he walks with us. And she wasn't at her house or the meeting spot. Funny that there not here today. Probably just trying to get to school early..... Together..... shit!

Calm down and walk. Slow your breathing and act cool. Nothing bad will happen. Hopefully.

I'll just tell kaname how I fell and hopefully get this shit off my chest.

I put my hand on his shoulder "hey man, can I talk to you for a sec?" "Sure" we drop back so chi can't hear us and I let loose.

"Ihaveacrushontsumuguandidontknowwhattodoanditstearingmeapartandimscaredandfuckiforgottobreathe" I gasp for air as my mouth finally stops talking.

"Slow down dude, what was that??"

"I said I have a crush on tsumugu and I don't know what to do and it's tearing me apart and I'm scared" "and that's when you forgot how to breath" "yeah" "ok I suggest you just tell him straight up this morning and seeing as he isn't here I'll help you look for him at school. Sound good?" "Yeah, thanks"

We catch up to chisaki and continue talking like nothings happened.

— — at school — —

We can't find them anywhere.
Oh well let's go to class there probably there anyway. Or with the lady ojoshi. I'll check there first seeing as it's on my way.

"Yo guys, let's go check with the lady ojoshi, kay?" "Sure" "let's go"

We make our way there and hear talking from inside, probably them. I open the door and what I see makes me freeze. Manaka and tsumugu kissing. I want to cry, to scream.....but I can't. He's happy. So I just smile awkwardly as a few straw tears roll down my cheeks, close
the door and walk away.

I leave school.

I go home.

I curl up in bed.

I cry.

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