Chappy doce

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I have no clue why I keep writing the chapter number in Spanish 😂

Tsumugu pov:

It's getting late and hikaris not back yet. I'm a little worried because his note said that he'd be back by around 2pm but it's now 4 and I'm terrified something has happened to him.

What do I do???

The note he left said he was going to have coffee and lunch with chi and most likely gossip about things. I guess I could just call chi and ask about where my boyfriend is.

I open my phone and click on chi's contact.





"Oh hi chi"
"Oh yo tsumugu, what's up?"
"I was wondering if you were still with hikari?"
"No I'm not, we left the restaurant about half an hour ago. Why do you ask?"
"Because he hasn't got back yet and I'm a bit worried"
"Well maybe he just took the long way back to your place since it's such a nice day out"
"I guess"
"Don't worry I'm sure he's fine"
"He probably is but just in case what restaurant were you at so I can go look for him"
"*sigh* fine, we were at *insert restaurant name here*"
"Ok thanks chi"
"No problem but he's probably gonna punch ya again for not trusting him to walk home on his own"
"I know I know but to be honest I don't care what he does to me as long as I know he's safe"
"Awwwww so kawaii!!!!!" Chi said obviously in fan girl mode
"I go the love of god, kill me now" I mumbled
"What was that? Hmmm?"
"Nothing" I said in a sing song voice
"Ok, if your sure" sh stated very suspiciously
"Well I better be off, good luck with hikari" she said with a chuckle at the end
"Yeah, thanks, c ya"
"C ya"
I was instantly hit with the tone of chi hanging up the phone and put the phone down on the dresser.
I grabbed my coat and ran to the door slipping on my shoes and dashing out the door saying a quick goodbye to gramps with a gruff "get back before dinner" from him.

I jogged down to the place chi told me her and hikari visited, looking for him on the route there and not finding him. Glancing around at the beautiful sunset I think to run down a different path to get back to my place in hopes of bumping into hikari on the way there.

I decide to slow to a leisurely stroll in order to enjoy the scenery and the golden rays of sun that danced across the sky when the peace of the moment was shattered by sirens in the distance followed by a flash of blue and red and I instantly knew something had gone wrong.

Something must have happened. I hate the feeling that's settling in my stomach and I just know that this involves hikari.

I sprint as fast as I can down the road and am met with a horrifying sight that makes me stop in my tracks. Hikari, laying on the ground unresponsive with police and paramedics surrounding him. I run forward to try and get to him when I'm caught by two police officers as I reach out and scream his name in hopes he hears me and knows that I'm here.

The officers push me back and try to get me to calm down as a few tears rake there way down my cheeks, them guiding me to there car to take a seat so they can try to question me about the person laying, injured on the ground.

My tears slow and the officer asks me a few questions as I sit wallowing in my grief, me answering as best I could.

"So sir, can you identify the young male involved in this incident?"
"Yeah, his names hikari sakishima" I replied timidly.
"I'm his boyfriend"
"And do you know his race?"
" Um.... he's from the sea"
"And your name?"
"Tsumugu kihara"
"Thank you, well check the records and contact you if we need anymore information"
"Thanks, ..........Um, sir?"
"Do you know what hospital there going to so I can visit him?"
"No clue kid, but just ask the paramedics, I'm sure they'll give you a ride there"

He lifted the police tape his fellow officers had put there while we were talking and I walked through and asked the driver if I could join them in the ambulance with hikari and they said sure.

I hopped in the back with him, gripping his hand right as we made our way to the grim hospital.

Once there he was rushed into surgery to try to save his life and I was placed in the waiting room where I called gramps.

"Ring, ring......"
"Hello?" He said in a gruff voice
"Hey gramps" I said quietly, the trace of crying in my voice
"What's wrong kid?"
"It's hikari........ he's in hospital after getting hit by a car and I'm scared gramps, I'm scared and I don't know what to do"
"Ok kid, where are you and I'll come down"
"Yeah ok, we're at oshiooshi municipal hospital at the Emergency ward"

"Okay, I'm on the way"

Wohooooooo finally another chapter after how many months!!!!
Sorry for the hold up but I was kinda busy and then kinda forgot I was writing this so sorry pls forgive me :(
And thanks for the support from everyone
Hope you enjoyed the chapter and fingers crossed you won't have to wait this long next time.
C ya in the next chapter.

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