Chappy once

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Hikari pov:

Me and chi finished our coffee and parted ways both heading to our respective places after having a great time with each other. I decided since it was such a nice day to take the long way back to tsumugus house. Digging in my pocket I found my headphones and plugged them in and started listening to my playlist, the first song being vital by Masaaki Endoh. I decided since the street was empty to start singing along.
(A/n I only know the English lyrics and wattpad is acting up so I can't copy and paste the Japanese lyrics)

"All of these things that don't exist,
My futures thrown away like this,
I stretch out my hands embraces in the present.
A throbbing beating in my veins,
It doesn't stop it finds a way,
Suddenly all impulses erase."

I started singing and dancing, walking into the empty road twirling with the wind flowing in my hair. The rays of sunlight occasionally beaming into my eyes and giving me a small sense every other second of what it would be like to be blind.

I continued dancing happily in the street singing along to one of my favourite songs.

"And it becomes, so clear,
The colours fading in me,
And sorrow slowly drains emotion from within,
Fate is unknown and all of these worthless words they leave me high and dry,
Feels like a cold knife cutting through my heart now."

The day was perfect, nothing can ruin this, or so I thought.

"Ahhh pure white wings no one can see,
Will stay closed until I believe,
Ah these hands that are held aloft,
Streaming blood will overflow,
Things I can see it in your eyes,
Are too silent,
Can't hear a sound,
I will give up everything to know,
As I am falling down to the bottom to see through it all."

As I sung those last few words, all time seemed to stop as I turned around from where I was dancing to see a large black car speeding down the road. It was so fast that I couldn't run or get away In time. I was like a deer in headlights. One which was soon to be killed by this malicious vehicle.

Upon impact my headphones came unplugged and I heard my ribs cracking, the wind being mocked out of me as a steering pain erupted in my torso, most likely from one of my ribs puncturing some vital organ inside of me.

In that moment I was terrified, the slow descent to the floor in the seconds after I was hit, too weak to be able to do anything to protect my head, awaiting the impending crash to the floor in which I would hit my head and be nocked unconscious.

(Play song)

I heard the next song on my playlist begin to play as I made contact with the cold hard ground, my head bouncing off of the floor as my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I passed out. The last thing I remember is the feeling of warmth surrounding me via what I can only assume is my own blood pooling around my near dead body and the sound of wind by akeboshi ominously playing in the background like a mantra for my death.

I'm sorry for being careless everyone.
I'm sorry for being horrible to you manaka.
I'm sorry for making you worry kaname, chi and congrats on getting together.
I'm sorry dad that you'll have one less child to love you.
I'm sorry sis that you'll lose your loving little bro.
I'm sorry gramps for being such an annoying brat.
I'm sorry classmates for hating you all for something that you couldn't change.
I'm sorry shioshishio for loving someone from the surface and not being the heir to the shrine that you deserve.
And finally, I'm sorry tsumugu, I'm sorry for that punch, I'm sorry for that kiss and I'm sorry for falling for you the way I did, if I didn't then you wouldn't have to loose me because of my idiocy, getting hit by a car, what a way to go. Hahaha
I love you.
I love you all.



A/n ha ha ha I'm back!!! Bet yall thought I was dead or something. Well ha I'm not. Here's the next chappy, this has been I. The planning for a while and I just thought to put it in now cus why not. I've been gone for a while and then I slap you in the face with some drama and a horrifying cliffhanger. Well I'll c ya in the next chappy whenever that is.

Any recommendations on further plot points cus I'm running out of ideas and hav no clue where I'm going with this. If no one says anything then imma just kill everyone off and I don't think anyone wants that.

Thanks guys.

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