Chappy diez

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Hikari pov:

I slowly open my eyes as the morning sun flooded through the curtains. I was still sniffles up next to Tsumugu!?
Aaaaaaaaaaa what do I do?! Why the hell am I here!?

Bzzzzzzt my phone pinged, interrupting my internal crisis. It was chi. "Where are you I'm so worried, please answer me" "calm down chi I'm fine" I texted back. "Where are you?" "At Tsumugus house" "glad your safe but how did you end up there?" "Long story" "oh, do you wanna meet up later and you can tell me?" "Sure, sayamart in an hour?" "Sure, c ya then" I put my phone down and decided I should get ready.

I gently removed tsumugus arms from around me and covered him with a blanket. I scribbled a note on some paper saying where I was going, told gramps to tell tsumugu about the note so he doesn't panic, then dashed off home to have a shower and get some new clothes on then to sayamart to meet chi.

———Time skip———

Chi pov:

I was running to sayamart because I was late. Why was I late? Well let's just say me and kaname had some fun if you know what I mean. I could see hikari standing outside as I approached and we said our greetings and I apologised for being late.

"Sooooooo~ mr lovebird. How. Did. You. End. Up. In. Tsumugus. House." I quizzed hoping that it was what I was thinking. "Well we kinda got together last night" he said nervously "eeeeeeee, you gotta tell me everything over coffee" I squealed "we went to a nearby cafe and ordered two lattes and some cakes and started to chat.

"Ok so how did it happen" "I kinda punched him then he apologised for the kiss with manaka and said he liked someone else" "then what" I said all ears "I pestered him until he told me and turns out it was me" "yayyyyyy!! I'm so happy for you." "Thanks chi" "hikaris got a boyfriend~hikaris got a boyfriend~" I said giggling when his face went bright pink. "Chiiiiiiiiiiii stoooooop" he said "ok ok but more importantly" I said looking slyly at him. "Why are you looking at me like that." "Have you kissed yet!?" She said with her fingers crossed "why do you want to know" "come on just spill" "we kissed twice last night" "eeeeeeee so cute!" "Okayyyyyyy let's just enjoy our coffee before it gets cold"

Tsumugu pov:

The sun is shining through the curtains into my eyes as I stretch and wake up. I blink a few times to get used to the light. I roll over then realise it. Where's hikari!?  Ohhhhhhh shit!! What if something bad happened. What if he was kidnapped.

I ran through the house trying to find him when I bump into gramps. "Hi gramps, have you seen hikari?" I said trying to mask my panic but of course gramps is able to see through everything. "Don't panic, he's fine, he said to tell you he left a note saying where he went so everything's fine" "thank god" I walked to my room and just likes gramps said there was a note explaining everything.

Thank god he's alright.

I can't bear loose him.

I love him.

A/n a short chappy for yall
I'll try to update more but no promises ok.
C ya then!

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