Chappy dos

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A/n I fell in love with this song after watching Sirius the jaeger (I recommend you watch it) also like the wierdo I am i ship mikhail and yuliy but it's so cute soooooo say what you will I love it (second image is mikhail x yuliy, credit to artist)

Hikari pov

I'm gonna go see akari. I gotta tell someone and I'll be damned if it's not her.

Shit. He's in sayamart!!!

Tsumugu pov

So I'm in sayamart and who just strolls in behind me. The one and only hikari. I was hoping he wouldn't be here cus I wanted to tell akari about my feelings but that ain't gonna happen now!!

I feel a heat rising in my cheeks. Shit! He can't see me blush. Fuck no!! Nope.


Ok this is officially my hell. I like hikari ok!? But what can I do about it I don't control my own friggin heart. It's nooootttt mmmmyyyyyyy fffffaaaauuuuuullllllttttttttttt!!!!!
I don't get what's wrong with me. I thought I liked chisaki but nooooooooooooo! Apparently I'm friggin gay or bi now. Why is my brain so mean
Ok back to the plan. Ok so not really plan but ok. I'll tell akari once hikari leaves, just make small talk till then.

Hikari pov:

I'll tell akari once tsumugu leaves, just make small talk till then.
I approach him and prepare for utter embarrassment. "Uh..... hi? What are you doing here" "just uh..... stuff?" He sounds unsure oh god maybe he has the same plan and he'll tell akari about his feelings for manaka or chisaki. Oh god   He probably will never like me back what do I doooooo?!

I'll just go home , tell akari then. I'm so sad he's never gonna like me.

Tsumugu pov:

Thank the lord hikari left although he did look sad. Shake it off and just tell her

"Hey akari!" "Yeah" "I kinda need to tell you something" "oh ok, do you wanna talk in the back?" "Sure"

Once we were settled I just blerted it out "I like your brother and I don't know what to do!" "Eeeeeeeeeeeee my ship might sale!!!" I choked "what?!" "You look so cut together, now just to get hikari to like you back" she muttered the last part to herself but I still caught it "so you think we should be together?" "Yeah and I have an inkling that he likes you too I'm soooooo happy!!!" Oh My God!!!! He might like me back holy shit!! Fuck yeah!!!

"I'll have a talk with him tonight and see what he thinks but whatever the outcome is I think you should tell him how you fell tomorrow, ok?" I sighed "ok I might" "nope wrong answer" "I will?" "With power!" "I will!" "Like you mean it!" "I will!!" "Like it's you reason to live!!" "I WILL!!" "Good, now keep that attitude and tell him how you feel aaannnnddddd, GO FORTH AND BE FREE MY YOUNG ONE!!" "Ok!!!" Oh god she's a friggin wierdo but she is great at empowerment! Let's do this!!

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