Chappy ocho

435 9 7

A/n why the hell am I writing the chapter numbers in Spanish?! Why?!

Hikari pov:

I grab my phone and earphones out my pocket and plug them in. I press play on Spotify and start listening to the first song that comes on. Always gold by radical face. God this is a sad song. Why now huh. When I'm already sad.

'We were right not boys
Brothers in more than name
You'd kill for me and knew that I'd do the same'

Yeah we were until you kissed manaka douche bag ass hole!!

'And it cut me sharp
Hearing you'd gone away
But everything goes away
Yeah everything goes away'

I'm used to everyone leaving me, my moms dead, dads not far behind, my sister lives on the surface and my friends are all in love with others so will end up not talking to me soon enough once chi and kaname and manaka and tsumugu get together.

'But I'm gonna be here till I'm nothing but bones in the ground'

Yep I ain't going nowhere you morons cus I will annoy you till the very end of time even if it kills me. Ha!

'And I was there when you grew restless, left in the dead of night and I was there when three months late, you were standing in the door all beaten and tired and I stepped aside'

Yeah, sounds like me and chi, we care for each other but I wish that i could say it was about me and tsumugu.

That thought made me feel empty yet sad. I continued listening to the lyrics and had to stop myself from crying as more and more of these songs flooded my ears. I knew what they were saying was true. 'Life's a bitch we all know that, if it's easy then you not trying' (a/n if you get the reference your awesome! High five ✋) it took half an hour to get to the shipyard which meant half an hour of sad songs and holding back the tears which is not what I wanted at all.

I stood there waiting for the guy who broke my heart, for him to tell me he's sorry but he loves manaka. I'm ok with that, as long as he's happy though.................... or am I? Is it ok to be selfish sometimes? Or not? I love the guy but is it right to let him go without a fight? What would akari say? She'd say fight for him so I'm gonna take my sisters imaginary advice and fight for the man I love. Even if it is weakly since I have no energy and am kinda depressed about this whole thing. But yeah. Let's fight.

I take a deep breath and sit down on one of the metal containers swinging my legs waiting for the guy. I sit there for about ten minutes when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump because holy shit. That is terrifying, a wierdo sneaking up on you. Then I turn and punch the guy square in the nose and he falls back onto his ass. (A/n that was a quick insight into how I would react in a situation like this 😂) "Geez why am I only getting beaten up today, you got one hell of a punch you know that" tsumugu said from on the ground. He was pinching his nose to stop the blood from pouring out but it was futile. His shirt and jacket were ruined. "Ahh shit, sorry here let me help" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up then handed him a bunch of tissues from my pocket for his bloody nose.

"So what did you want to talk about?"i whispered to the ground, kinda hoping he wouldn't hear me and just let me leave "I just wanted to apologise for earlier today" "why? You did nothing wrong" I mumbled "because you shouldn't have seen that, I don't even like her that way so I'm sorry" "well it sure looked like you were enjoying it, asshole" "god, you are so much like chi, no I didn't 'enjoy it' she randomly kissed me, and besides, I'm bisexual" "that still means you can like girls dumbo" "I know you ass, I just like someone else, ok" "oh, ok are they a guy or a girl" "what's it matter" "it doesn't but I'm curious oh who has captured little ol tsumugus heart hmmmmm?" I said jokingly, wow I'm actually in a good mood now, no more mr depression session yay! "It's a guy" he mumbled "so~ry I can't hear you~" "I said it's a guy" "oooOooo, who could it be hmmmm?" "I don't wanna say." "Oh you can share with little old me right?" "Wow, you and your sister are so much alike, nosying your way into peoples personal lives, fine it's......" "go on" "it's.........." "your mumbling" "it's um" "mumbler!" I said a little to happy "it's you hikari! Ok! Gees your such a dumb ass" I stood frozen. shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! "I like you ok." He finished. Oh shit! Now I'm gonna cry. I sank to my knees. Here come the water works. "Oh shit, I made you cry, what should I do ahhhhhh" he panicked which made me giggle a bit. "Oi, what you laughing at hmmmmm?" He said playfully. I smiled through the tears and said "your cute tsumugu, I like no, I love you too"

He embraced me in a bone crushing hug, showing all of his love. God I love this guy. I'm actually happy! But what am I gonna tell dad and the gang?

Who cares?! He gathered me in his arms and carried me to his house, I'm content with how my life is now but am I too forgiving of this guy? I hope not.

A/n yayyyyyyy I did a super long chapter today, hope you like it! 1020 words wow. Next chapter on its way. If I don't update in a week just comment or something to remind me and I'll update then kay?

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