Chappy seis

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Chi pov

You ass hole piece of shit tsumugu. I think to myself as I run off to find him. Manaka and him just took it a step too far. Be considerate for gods sake. Oh I am soooooo mad right now I could just punch his stupid face.

Ok let's test that theory. He must be at the fisherman's union so let's do this. Chi you can do this ok! Become the true you! I charge in and see him "FOR HIKARIIIIIIIII!" I scream as I charge tsumugu and sock him. He falls on his ass and grasps his jaw. It's already black and blue and swollen. Ha. Don't mess with me or my friends or that's what happens dumbass!

I grab him by his ear and March out of h the door saying "were gonna have a nice chat ok?" In a kinda creepy and angry voice. He looks terrified. Once we got outside he started to speak. "Listen I didn't mea......." smack.  He holds his cheek as I scream "what the hell was that! You moron! Why did you kiss her and in front of hikari of all people! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid asshole! Why!! Tell me!!!" He looked shocked then tries to compose himself as he speaks. "Like I was trying to say I didn't mean to do that she just walked up to me and kissed me. I don't even like her that way. What was I supposed to do? Push her off and tell her I don't like her and risk her tears and hilaros punches?!" "Oh ho hi I think your in for a lot mor right now if you don't give me a better answer that that." I said cracking my nuckles. "Do. You. Like. Her." "No!" "I don't believe you" "I don't like her" "you seemed to enjoy it" "I don't like her" "are you sure about that lover boy" "I like hikari!! Ok!?  Not manaka or any girl. Just him." Ok so that shocked me.

"You will tell him tomorrow ok!" "What! No" "did you not see him when you two kissed" "he obviously likes manaka not me" "no, did you see the way he looked at you when manaka kissed you" "like I said he obviously likes manaka not me" "sigh, I said did you see the way he looked at you!" "What!?" "He obviously likes you but your too dense to see it, I'll get him up here ok and you gotta confess otherwise knowing hikari he will just cry his eyes out and be depressed so you need to do this. For hikari! Do you understand?" "Ok I'll do this tell him to go to the abandoned docks where we found miuna (a/n is that how you spell it? Idk) and I'll tell him there" "Kay, c ya"

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