Chappy siete

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A/n I've decided I'm gonna make this a sad story, you have been warned!

Hikari pov:

It's been a few hours since I got home and I haven't stopped crying. I'm just super depressed right now with no clue what to do. I want to talk but I don't. I want to move but I don't. I just lack motivation to do anything. I just wanna grab a bucket if ice cream and cry watching my favourite anime, Tokyo ghoul. (a/n what's your favourite anime? Mines blue exorcist or angels of death)

Oh god I make a mistake watching this, I just finished season two and now I'm bawling. Oh god no. Why did my favourite character die. (a/n I won't say who dies in case anyone hasn't watched it yet but just know it made me cry even with my heart of stone) I'm just stuffing my face with ice cream when chi walks in. I turn away to stop her from seeing me like this but she just walks behind the sofa and hugs me from behind. "It's ok. I know." That's all she had to say for me to breakdown. It took a few minutes but I finally calmed down and what she said made me giggle "just so joy know I punched him then slapped him for you, your welcome" "thanks" I giggled. "I like the new you, but since when we're you violent" "since I don't know but it feels right" "good for you" I giggled and so did she.

We then decided to watch a few more episodes of Tokyo ghoul, me having to explain what's happening a few times because she hasn't seen most of it. She is really into the show. I almost fell asleep when she said "tsumugu wants to see you" "what! Why!?" "To apologise" "sigh ok, where, when" " the abandoned docks, now" "ok I'll go but can you stay here for when I get back?" "Ok"

Time to face my fears and most likely cry my eyes out afterwards again. Sigh the guy I like likes my best friend. This is great. Just fantastic. Crying and eating ice cram while watching Tokyo ghoul with chi sounds great right now. Why him. Why now. I just wanna curl up and die. Or get swallowed up by a hole, which ever is quicker and easier.

Chi pov:

I just feel bad. Once hikari leaves I put the first episode of Tokyo ghoul on whilst mulling over what I have done. Oh god. I hope this goes well.

Please tsumugu.

Please don't break him any more.

Don't break him because because your the only one who can fix him.
He will trust you even if it kills him so please.
Don't hurt him.

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