Chappy cinco

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Kaname pov:

I feel really bad for hikari. He just saw his true love kissing his best friend. I gotta do something.

I open the door and barge in. I grab the two and force them apart using the back of their collars. "What is wrong with the both of you" "uh...I" "no! Do not try to explain yourself. Do you know what you just did? You made hikari cry!! I'm so angry at you right now!! So you" I say looking straight at tsumugu. "Go after him and apologise , he's probably heading home so hurry up. And you" I say looking a manaka "three things young lady. 1. Don't kiss guys at school. 2. Consider the other guys feelings. And 3. Consider the feelings of those around you. That's all can say to you without blowing up so scram! Now!!"

The go scrambling out the room to do whatever it is there doing.
I then feel my knees buckle and I fall to the ground. Hikari has just been indirectly rejected by his crush. God I gotta go. I gotta try and hel him. Chi comes running up behind me asking if I'm ok but all I can think about is what I just saw and how it must be for hikari.

"Chi, you go after manaka and do something, anything to stop this, then go find tsumugu and tell him that someone else loves him! I'll go to hikari and help." "What. Why? What's going on?" "I'm not supposed to tell you because you like him but hikari likes tsumugu and considering what he just saw I think he needs help so please go" "okay. But one more thing"
And what she did next shocked me to my very core.

— — chi pov — —

Ok so I know I tell everyone that I like hikari but I actually like kaname and that's why I just kissed him. He looks shocked which makes me giggle. "You know, I've always liked you, not hikari you dense idiot" a grin spreads across his face as he says "I love you chi" I squeal and scream "I love you too kaname" "be my girlfriend?" "Sure, I'd love to"

Now to help hikari with his love life. We part ways to go do our separate rolls me confronting the two lovebirds and kaname helping hikari.

I'll go to manaka first.
I can see her running from us.
"Manaka! Wait"
She slows down to a stop.
"What was that?" "I love him, you know that right, I'll do anything to have him like you'll do for hikari" "no! Stop! I don't love hikari I love kaname, and if he were in love with someone else I'd let him go. Think about this, be rational please!" "I can't, I love him too much chi, I love him so much it hurts so please let me go" "I can't" "why" "I can't say so please stay here" "no" "please! I'm begging you" I said down in my knees "ok chi" she sniffled. When had she started crying? Who knows but I gotta find tsumugu.
I gotta give him a piece of my mind!

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