Chappy catorce

175 1 6

A/n: I would just like to apologise for this chapter, and, if youve read any of my completed fics, then you know what's coming next and I am deeply sorry. Also thank you to my bestie NMB2020 for this idea. :)))))))))

Tsumugu sucked in a long ragged breath as he once again took the long treacherous route to his poor lover's room. His heart hammering in his chest, worry and fear blooming in his chest like a rose.

He greeted the nurse with a quick nod and then began the slow ascent of the stairs.

Each step making a small thunk, echoing quietly through the empty halls. The bouquet of flowers rustling silently next to him as he walked, the denim of his jeans gliding past one another, creating a low crinkling as they rubbed together.

He stopped and turned to wait by the door, knocking gently with his knuckles in a faint dwindling hope that he maybe, might just wake up.

It's been months now, and he still hasn't arose from this quiet coma that has him trapped within himself. He hasn't moved an inch, his body still stuck in that quiet room, under those crisp white sheets, machines still attached to his small chest, an iv still jammed into his arm, that subtle beep of the heart monitor in the background, always.

Tsumugu pulled up a chair and sat down.
"Heya hikari, I bought you some flowers"
"I thought you might like them"
he lifted the flowers to show the body before him. Beep.
"Is it ok if I put them in that case by your bed?"
He asked, as if expecting an answer.
He stood.
He moved the old flowers and refilled the vase with water, replacing the new flowers within it.
He sat back down and grasped his lovers hand with both of his.
"How have you been?"
"I've missed you."
"How much longer do you think you'll be gone for?"
"I don't think I can last much longer without you."
He held a sad lopsided grin on his face.
"It's hard ya know?"
"To survive without the one you love"
A lone tear slipped down his cheek, he made no move to stop it.
"See what your doing to me."
"So wake up, please"
"I'm begging you hikari."
"Please wake up, for me."
The phone in his pocket buzzed.
It was gramps.
He looked to hikari.
"I'm just going to step away for a while, ok?"
He walked over to the other side of the room.
He answered it quickly, holding the device up to his ear.
"Hi kiddo, just wanted to check up on you and the kid."
"How's he doing?"
"Same as always gramps"
"I see" he said solemnly.
"You know that one of these days your going to have to...." He trailed off.
"I know"

"Money's starting to run out and I don't know how much longer he has left anyway."
"The doctors don't know if he'll wake up at all." He said slowly, sighing down the phone.
"It's difficult ya know, trying to fight a losing battle, especially when I don't even know how to fight it."

Gramps sighed. "Kid, the best you can do now is to just be with him, we both know he's gonna leave soon, so just enjoy the time you have left."
"NO!" He yelled. "I CANT! How can I? When I know that it could be his last day, his last breath, the last time I see the boy I love, the boy I fell so far for. It........ it's........" "heartbreaking." Gramps finishes.

"I'll leave you be"
Someone rushes past him.
"Go be with the boy you love, till the end."
And another.
"Ok." he croaked.
Then two more people.
"I will" he said, as if he'd lost all hope.
Then two more people ran past.
"Your a good man tsumugu" we're gramps last words before he hung up, the dull beep of the line being cut short almost muffled by the commotion behind him.

He turned to look what was happening before he was being pushed out of those big blue doors by one of the nurses.

His eyes widened as he focused on the scene before him.
He kicked and screamed for hikari and he was hauled away, the doors closing behind him. The muffled sound of someone yelling 'clear' as hikaris body jerked upwards was seen as the young man peered through the window.
His breathing began to turn ragged as he paced, the nurse who pulled him away stood by him, watching his every move as he muttered to himself. She looked up at him "we're we going to try everything we can to save him" was all she could say.

Tsumugu stopped and slumped down against the wall, listening to the chaos that ensued just behind those dreadful doors.

Minutes went by of dreadful panic and fear until one of the doctors emerged and whispered something carefully to the nurse.

She walked over to the boy below her.

"I'm sorry"

She walked away.

He cried.

Hikari x tsumuguWhere stories live. Discover now