Chappy quince (or however you spell it lol)

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A/n: here's another chappy
Also here's another green day song cus it's what I was listening to when I wrote this chappy :)

3rd pov:

He sat there on the floor for what felt like forever. He had to be dragged out of the hospital by his grandfather. He didn't want to leave. This plain pale blue room was where the love of his life had left him, and had left him numb. He couldn't comprehend what was happening. And most certainly why it was happening. What had he done to royally piss off the universe so much. It was all a mistake. It must be a dream. He's got to be right? Surely that's the only viable explanation. That he's dreaming. It can't be anything else. Because if this wasn't a dream then that meant that he had to truly accept that hikari was gone, and he's not ready for that yet. So all he can do is try to irrationally rationalise the situation to a scenario that suits him and doesn't mentally scar him for the rest of the foreseeable future.

As he was hauled away from the hospital he couldn't think. His mind was stuck on the fact that his hikari had done this too him, had decided to leave him alone in this little world. And, don't get me wrong, he's definitely not blaming hikari for leaving him, oh no, that's the driver of that goddamn cars fault and mark my words shall they pay, however he is blaming hikari for not fighting for longer. Sure he's pissed off, maybe just a little however that doesn't mean that sadness can't be felt along side this.

I'm sure this makes no sense to you all, feeling numb, angry and pissed off all at once but it's pretty easy to sum up with one word. Grief. It's not a pleasant word but it's something we will all experience one way or another and just know that that's how Tsumugu feels right now.

Back to the plot of this little book.

Tsumugu was squashed into the passenger seat of his grandfathers rusty red truck. The old car took a while to start but it got there and then they were on their way. "Would you like to go for sushi or just go home?" Gramps asked with a gentle but sodden voice. He sounded raw. As if he had been crying too. I mean why wouldn't he have been crying? He knew hikari almost as well as he had. He treated him like a son, like a part of his family, fed and clothed that little sea boy. But in the end it amounted to nothing, no matter how hard he cared for him, how hard both of them, how hard his friends cared for him, not one of them could have predicted this accident, which means that not one of them could have cared for him enough to protect him from that, and thus not have enough will power to look after him afterwards.

It was quite a shock to the system for everyone. Hikaris family took the hit the hardest. His sister fell back on her drinking habits and his father, under influence of god knows what anymore, has turned into a hermit, not leaving the house and barely visiting his daughter above the oceans waves.

Everyone took the hit.
Everyone is grieving.
So Tsumugu should be less selfish and try to support the others who are going through the same thing.

"Whatever you want to do gramps." He whispered.
"Sushi it is, my treat"

The little rusty red truck bumbled and chugged into the distance.

This could be a new start for everyone.

A/n: hope you enjoyed this (quite short Ik) chapter and I sincerely apologise for taking what? 5ish months to update. I did tell you the updated would be erratic lol.
Also im not sure if im going to make this the end or not. Don't get your hopes up though.
If I do choose to end it here then I might go back and do an alternate ending where they don't die and stuff so keep an eye out over ur next god knows how long for that :)

Again hope you enjoyed this chapter
And I hope you enjoyed the book :)

Have fun in your lives and good luck to anyone who needs it.

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