Chappy nueve

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Tsumugu pov:

He likes me!!! He likes me!!!!! Holy shit. Please don't be a dream. Please, I'm begging you. Please don't take my happiness. Please!

I pick up the crying boy and walk with him gripping onto my shirt back to my house. I realise that he's pretty light. Wow. Is he eating enough or is he just like this? Who knows. I look down and notice him drifting off to sleep but trying to keep his eyes open (if you know what I mean) I leaned down and whispered "you can go to sleep I'll wake you when we get back" I got a slight nod from him then felt his head drop onto my chest as he fell asleep. It's about a 45 minute walk to my house from the shipyard so he should have had a long enough nap. I'm just hoping that this is able to last long enough for us to be really happy.

Hikari pov:

Once I fell asleep I had a horrifying dream. I was walking to the shipyard. My music playing. 
Then the scenery changed
I was crying but it didn't feel right. When Had I got to the shipyard? And why is tsumugu looking at me with pity??
I must of confessed but he turned me down.
Oh god?!
Why do I have these nightmares just after we got together?
This is gonna be the death of me.
What am I gonna be like if and when he actually leaves?

His face of pity morphed into a sadistic grin as he laughs maniacly. Manaka appears next to him, clinging to him, stealing him from my grasp.
Why would she do this?
It's almost as if she knows I like him and is doing this out of spite. But what would I have done to her to make her do this?! 
I drop to the ground and start sobbing uncontrollably. I'm such a weakling. Why can't I do anything right??

Darkness surrounds me as I put my face in my hands to hide from the two staring in front of me. Then suddenly.

It's silent.

The laughing has stopped.


What is that?


Why do I know that voice?


Who is it?


My head shoots up as I look around the room and tsumugu tries to stop my tears.

Thank god it was just a dream

I embrace him in a loving hug and he does the same.
This is perfect.

Tsumugu pov:

I'm walking home and I notice hikari start to cry and whimper in his sleep.
I wipe away his tears but they just keep pouring down his beautiful face.

I can see home in sight.
I race inside and gently set him on my bed and try to wake him.

I say gently shaking his shoulder.
I repeat
I say shaking his shoulder a little harder
He still won't wake up.
I say a little louder and he bolts upright and starts to look around the room.

I lean over and start to wipe away his tears. He just hugs me tightly, as if he let's go I'll disappear. I hug back and lean down to whisper "don't worry, I'm not going anywhere and you wanna know why?" He shakes his head "it's because I love you" I pull away and using my thumb and forefinger tilt his chin up. I look into his beautiful eyes as I lean in and close the gap between us.

His eyes widen but quickly flutter closed as he melts into the kiss. It's as if we were supposed to be together. We fit together perfectly.

I pull away and watch as he smiles and looks away, pink dusting his cheeks. "I love you too" he giggles. I smile gently and pull him in for a hug. This is what we both need.

We lay down together, my arm finding it's  way round his slender waist and the other gently stroking his hair. His hands settle against my chest. I lay there awake until I hear the cute snores of my lover, then drifting off into a peaceful sleep myself.

A/n updates are going to be much more erratic (well they have been anyway) cus I've got loads of tests when I go back to school which I'm going to procrastinate for and I just found out the promised never land is on Netflix on Monday so I'm gonna binge watch that and SAO series 3 but just know I'm not gonna stop updating! Yay! I know there crap excuses but idc. so I'll se you guys when I see ya
Bye for now!!

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