"Are you satisfied now?" - Virgil Angst

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"What the hell! Your just a fucking slut who cant stop himself from flirting with everyone!"

"I wasnt flirting with him he was helping me get you a gift.."

"Yeah fucking right!"

Virgil took the small box out of his pocket and shoved it twords Roman before walking out. Roman opened it and gasped, inside was a gold ring with red gems decorating it. He looked a the frount door and went after Virgil.


Virgil didnt know where he was going. He was just walking. Before he knew it he was standing on the ledge of the bridge looking down. Its like he was watching as someone else was in control, he didnt mind though.

After everything hes gone through he didnt care. All the abusive foster homes, toxic friends, never being good enough for anyone including Roman, he gave up. He took control of his body for a moment to send Roman a text.

Are you satisfied now?

And just like that he jumped into the cold water underneath. He didnt struggle, he didnt cry. He felt nothing as he sank into the icy depths and drowned.


Roman took a walk down the river to clear his head. Be was worried about Virgil. The last text he had gotten from him had been "Are you satisfied now?" he felt awful. He shouldn't have said those things to Virgil. He looked at the ring on his finger. He promised himself that he would do better than he had been and kept walking.

He tried to call Virgil again but it went to voice mail. "Baby I know I messed up but Im worried about you.. I miss you please just a text would be fine please.. I love you.." he hung up and looked at the water.

It was beautiful. The water was calm and the sun was out. He noticed something. It looked like a body or a hurt animal. He set his phone on a rock nearby and swam twords it, dragging it to land. He looked at it and stopped himself from breaking down. Laying on the ground was Virgil. Paler than normal, not breathing. Roman checked his pulse. He looked back at the water and made up his mind. He grabbed Virgils body and walked into the water before submerging himself under.

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