Virgils Birthday - Sleepxiety fluff

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Tw: mention of bad coming out, mention of hangovers, implied touch starvation, bad writing because I want to make angst not fluff damn it!

Let me know if I need to add a tw or if you have a request for me!


Virgil sighed as he looked at the date. Great, his birthday, usually the day that even fewer people acknowledge them. especially since moving to collage and coming out to their family as non-binary using it/they/he pronouns. His roomate was out of town with his mom for the holidays, although he had sent it a happy birthday text, which he appreciated.

What he didn't expect however was a knock on the door. What if their here to kill me?!? What if it's my mom to yell at me? He shook his head, a futile attempt to remove some of the negative thoughts and answer the door.

There stood Remy, the guy that everyone knew. Pan, coffee addict, went to party's every night, he was a phyc major interestingly enough, and he was at least acquainted with the majority of people here. Why the fuck is he here?

"Hey babes! So like it's your birthday right?" Virgil blinked in suprise and before long had retreated into its mind, something it does when its deep in thought, like when its analyzing a case or person.

Remy looked at the person with a soft smile on his face. They looked adorable all concentrated like this. Alas he had to get their attention somehow so he cleard his throat snapping then back into reality "Hm? Oh s-sorry.." Remy smiled at them "Its ok bestie but you didn't answer my question." Remy smiled, already knowing the answer from Patton and knowing how to read body language fairly well. "U-um yeah. How di-did you know?" Remy smirked "I asked Pat." Virgil nodded, knowing that him and Remy were good friends and would usually hang out together or help Remy with hangovers.

"Umm. Wh-why do you c-care?" Virgil tilted their head to the side in confusion, his nose scrunching up aswell. Remy took a second to both appreciate them and figure out how to word what he was trying to say, which didn't help his poor, poor, ADHD mind.

Remy finally responded "Because I uh... I-I have romantic feelings f-for you..." Virgil looked down at Remy and noticed how stiff and anxious he wss. It softly guided Remy to its bed and made some lavender tea before sitting back down and drinking some itself.

"S-so... Umm..-" Remy interrupted it "Nono, it's fine I get it you don't feel the same wa-way." Virgil looked at him "Shut up and let me talk." Remy looked at it and nodded hiding behind his tea, which Virgil found adorable. "I-I have ro-romant-"  Virgil let out a frustrated huff at it studder and tried again, this time going slower. "I-I have roma-romantic feelings for-for you too.." Virgil smiled softly at Remy to at this point had lowered the mug of tea down to look up at it.

Remy put his glass down, grabbing Virgils and putting that down aswell before all but tackling him I'm a hug which Virgil unconsciously leaned into, wrapping his arms around the surprisingly short male. Remy moved his hand up and played with his hair and smiled into his chest, which he had happily burrowed into.

"How about for your birthday we go and get something down at that new cafe and head to the park. Remy moved his head up to look at his new-found partner, who nodded and smiled "Tha-That sounds ni-nice.."


Work count: 575


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