Important A/N after! - Janus x Patton angst/fluff

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Patton walked down the street and got quite a few looks until he was finally stopped. "People with your skin tone can't wear pastel clothing." Patton sighed and walked on, ignoring her and going back to his apartment.

"Hey babe. What's up, you look sad." His boyfriend, Janus said walking up to him. Patton just sighed and told him what happened. "Don't believe her. Your beautiful in every way and you can where whatever clothes you want." Patton smiled and floped into his arms giggling up at him. Janus smiled and held him to his chest.


So I've been seeing the phrase "Black people can't wear pastel or bright clothing." And I get so angry when I see it! You can where what ever you want! It shouldn't matter! Different colors look better on different people and I'm sick of hearing otherwise! I just thought I'd do a little chapter addressing it. If your like this I don't want you on my page. Unfollow me and never contact me.

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