Cottage in the Woods - Anxceit fluff

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Let me know if I missed any <3


Virgil walked through the dark forest, hopelessly lost and just looking for a cave to camp out in. He groaned as he looked around, barely being able to make out the trees surrounding him. "Stupid princy and his stupid dare making me get lost in the woods." He took out his phone once again but, as expected, it was still dead.

Virgil continued walking the way he think he came from and eventually stumbled across a small cottage. He looked at the cozy cottage and hesitantly walked forward. He paused at the door before knocking, deciding that he probably wasn't going to find a cave to rest in.

The door opened and someone towered over him. "Yes?" Virgil looked at them "I- uh.. myfrienddaredmetogointothewoodsbutIgotlostandIcan'tfindacaveoratreeorsomething-" The stranger cut him off "So you were wondering if you could stay the night here?" Virgil nodded looking at the ground, he had left his anxiety meds at Roman's house with the rest of his things so it was taking all of his will power to not panic and/or cry. "Alrigh-" the man was cut off by Virgil "I'msorryI'lljustleaveIdon'twanttobother-"

"I said it was alright. Are you okay?" Virgil looked at his hands and noticed they were shaking and that the tears he was trying to hold back were spilling, he wiped them away and shoved his hands in his pockets "Ye- yeah. I'm fi- fine.." He frowned at his studder. The stranger moved aside and let him in "Are you su- sure I can- can stay here?" The stranger smiled and nodded "Tea?" They went over to a small kettle Virgil nodded softly when they looked at him for an answer "Mk, chamomile and lavender or valerian root?" The stranger was putting the kettle on the stove now "Uh.. chamo- chamom- the fir- first one ple- please.." the stranger smiled and nodded getting out two cups.

In the better lighting Virgil could now see their features, they looked around the same age as him just a lot taller and had a slight scar on the right side of their face. They were wearing a pair of black sweats, accompanied by a yellow longsleeve and slippers with little monsters on them. They had tanish mocha colored skin and dark brown hair. "Here, let's get you into something more comfortable yeah?" The stranger moved to a room Virgil assumed to be their bedroom and came out with a pair of pants and a longsleeve shirt "I don't know if it will fit you that well but the pants are adjustable at least." Virgil nodded as he gently took the clothes from the stranger "Thanks.." the stranger pointed to another room for Virgil to change in.

He looked in the mirror, he thought that the stranger was quite hot, and he wasn't wrong. He just sighed as he looked at his dark purple and black hair and too-pale skin and too boney yet somehow not thin enough body and washed off his makeup. Hating the way he looked without it, his eyebags that seemed to be a permanent accessory and slightly scared skin.

He forced himself to look away and picked up his clothes, putting his hoodie on, and walking out. "Here." The stranger took his clothes and set them on a small chair that sat against the wall.

"Teas ready." Virgil nodded as he followed the stranger still hesitant. The stranger handed him his tea as they drank theirs. Observing the boy.

In Janus's opinion he was quite cute, he had black hair that slowly faded into a dark purple and bright blue eyes, he had alot of features that were concerning, like the sickly pale skin, a little too thin frame, and the heavy eyebags, but he was still adorable. His clothes being very baggy on him but the not seeming too much so, the jacket also being quite big on him but not as much as Janus's clothes.

"Th- thank you.." The boys soft voice rang out breaking Janus from his thoughts "Of course." He set his cup down and went to a closet to grab some blankets and a pillow for him. "Are you cold?" He looked at the boy who just shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes." Janus moved his couch closer to the lit fireplace and layed down a blanket and then put the pillow down and draped the rest of the blankets over the back of the couch.

"Here you go uh.." Janus turned around the look at the boy, who was still sipping from his tea but looking at the other anxiously "I never got your name." The boy looked at him before moving the tea so it covered less of his face "Vir- Virgil.. I use he/him pronouns.." Janus nodded "Welk Virgil, I'm Janus and I use he/they pronouns." Virgil nodded and sipped on his tea again. "Would you like more tea?" Virgil looked at him before nodding shyly. Janus smiled and grabbed the kettle before heating up the now cold water again.

Virgil looked over at Janus curiously as he walked over "You can sit down you know?" Virgil shrugged and awkwardly shuffled over to the couch and sat down, sucking on his sleeves, careful not to ruin Janus's shirt. "Here." Janus handed him his tea and sat down by him. Far enough so that way he was comfortable. "Thanks.." Virgil took a sip of the hot tea and glanced over at Janus only to find green eyes staring back.

"You belive in love at first sight?" Janus softly set down his tea on the side table by Virgil."Uh.. not re- really. I belive in int- interest at first si- sight but not- not lo- love..." Janus hummed "Cute and smart." Virgil looked at him "I'm- I'm not cu-cute! Or sma- smart!" Janus smirked and raised an eyebrow "Well then one of us is lying and it's not me." By this point Virgils face was bright red "I- I am no- not lying!" "Mhm.." "I'm no- not!" Janus took Virgils tea from him and set it by his own, keeping his arm on the couches arm rest behind Virgil, almost trapping him but leaving him enough space to get out or shove him away "Sure your not nightingale." "I- I- I don- I'm not-" Virgil gave up on words as soon as he looked into Janus's eyes.

Janus slowly leaned in glancing at Virgils lips and making sure he knew what he was trying to do. Virgil's face somehow got even redder but he didn't move. He glanced down at Janus's lips and back into his eyes. He let his own slip shut and soon felt warm lips on his own, softly kissing him as he kissed back, slowly wrapping his arms around Janus's neck as their arms wrapped around his waist.

They broke apart and Virgil opened his eyes a few seconds later meeting Janus's green ones. Janus let out a small chuckle and Virgil hid his face in Janus's chest. "God your adorable." Virgil mumbled something incoherent but by the tone Janus assumed it was in disagreement. They slowly leaned back and let their head hit the pillow as he kept his arms around Virgil who now unburied his head and was looking up at Janus who just smiled and ran his a hand through his hair.

"This is why you walk up to random strangers houses in the middle of the night." Janus looked at him "No. Only mine." Virgil hummed and leaned into Janus's touch. "Goodnight nightingale."


Word count - 1260
Published - 8-9-21

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