I am Not Okay - Logan Angst

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This is purely for vent purposes.

It's a drabble sorry, I just needed to write some angst.

TRIGGER WARNING: Not sleeping, feeling numb, idk let me know if I missed anything


Logan stared at his computer. His document was empty and he was so tired. It felt as if he was being suffocated in his own dark thoughts. His mind was racing, he didn't feel sad, or happy, all that he felt was angry and numb. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to scream, to throw things, to hit the wall, something, anything to make his anger lessen. He couldn't bring himself to do anything but close his laptop and shuffle over to his bed.

He was so tired, physically, emotionally, and mentally. He wanted it all to stop, he wanted the world to disappear, he rolled over so he was on his back before taking off his glasses and stared at his now blurry ceiling.

He laid there and tried to sleep, he couldn't, he knew he should but he couldn't. He just laid there for the rest of the day, until his timer to wake up came to life.


Don't ask, I don't want to talk about it.

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