Insomnia - Sleepxiety, Angst to Fluff

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Virgil sighed and stared at his ceiling, as usual, he couldn't sleep. He got up and went to the kitchen, he had locked himself in his room again as he didn't want to annoy the others with his presence. He grabbed a small bag of chips and sat on the counter.

"Virg? What are you doing up babes?" Remy walked into the kitchen, also having not been able to sleep and was going to get some coffee. "Couldn't sleep.." Remy nodded and sat on the counter by Virgil "You gotta stop locking yourself I'm your room babes." Virgil nodded, also knowing he needed to but just refusing to.

"Have you slept at all babes?" Virgil shook his head no, "Not since last Wednesday..." Remy looked at him, almost in disbelief, it was Saturday. "You need sleep babes." Virgil shook his head "Nah, I'm fine." Remy smirked "Mmm... no."

He took the chips from Virgil before grabbing the smaller male and holding him to his chest, like a teddy bear. Virgil was 5'2 and Remy was 6'8. Virgil huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms. Remy chuckled and brought Virgil to his room and laid down, still holding Virgil. "I'm staying here to make sure you sleep." Remy tried telling Virgil but he was fast asleep, holding on to on of Remy's hands, silently telling him to stay.


Once I get to 69 chapters I'm making another one of these.

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