Act 9: Konflikt

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That moment was a very serious matter but Eren was slightly hurt that someone would actually call him stupid without even knowing them first. He always hated it when people assume something without actually quite knowing what or who they were. It was a cruel and harsh way to judge a person; like seeing an Asian and assuming they're Chinese...people who immediately assume things like that are lazy asses who apparently don't have time to get to know that specific Asian person.

Everyone was silent after Levi's spoken words as Maria and Sina soldiers stared each other down.

"How should we know if you're not lying?" a middle aged man in full armor and gauntlets asked with a raised eyebrow.

"A little bird told me you've already checked my entire castle as an attempt to search for the prince who isn't even there, dumb fucks. Can't you all see that he isn't here? Why would even kidnap a useless, little brat in the first place?" Levi mutters with disgust on his face.

The soldier remains silent and lifts a hand, gesturing some sort of signal to his small army.

"Check again," he commands.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," the king uttered. "My wife and child are in there and you're scaring the shit out of them. Just leave-"

The king was shortly interrupted when a loud and long scream erupted from the nearest window near a balcony whom everyone was close to.

"No! Let him go! He has nothing to do with this!" a lady's shriek screamed from the opened window pane.

Levi's head jerked up when he heard the familiar voice of the queen and it scared him that she sounded so desperate and horrified. He started to race towards where the sourse of the scream could be found.

"Petra? Petra!" he called for her.

When he got no response, he started to legit climb the vine filled brick wall with several cadets following after him. After a few moments of slipping and nearly falling off, they all reached the balcony with a small mob of Rose soldiers greeting them. Eren was there too and watch with a terrified expression when he saw a blade of a crude looking knife press to the pale, delicate skin of a young looking boy who seemed to be the age of two or three.

They landed in a very big room with a crystal chandelier- or what was remaining of one anyway. The whole room looked as if it was burned to the ground and then built back together again with glue. Everything was a mess and so was the trembling queen who had her body curled around the young boy to shield his body with hers.

Her face was splotchy and filled with tears and her orange-ish hair looked as if she went through a tough wind storm. Her lip was cut and she also had a few bruises on her head and arms. Despite all the pain and fear flooding her golden eyes she looked brave and strong. This image could have been beautiful if only the bruises, tears and her shreded, white dress was replaced with happiness, smiles and possibly a new gown.

The boy with her looked so fragile, like he might slip from under the queen's grasp like quick sand. He was shaking really hard from fear but he wasn't crying at all. He looked like the mini version of Levi with the same black hair and haircut but his eyes were totally different and made him stand out from his father; his eyes were bright like his mother's.

"Petra, Petra, Petra, what happened?" Levi hissed when he quickly ran to her side and wrapped his arm around her shaking frame.

"They...they're trying to hurt get answers if we m-might know where Prince Eren is b-but, Levi, I don't know I just don't know..." she trailed off with a choke.

"I know you don't, okay?" Levi said and turned his head to glare at the Rose soldiers. "Obviously you're all just idiots looking for an excuse to start war way too early."

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