Act 11: Schwache

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It was as if Eren's soul was trapped in the dry, raw shell of a body and left there to suffer and feel the life slowly drain out of him. The pain he was feeling right now wasn't as bad like the time he fell off that damn boogerman tree but he was ridiculously tired and just wanted to disappear. His eyes repeatedly kept fluttering open and close as if he might be thinking of just letting the sleep consume him but he fought hard against it.

Hanji was sitting in a chair beside his bed and Levi was shooting suspicious glances at him and he looked quite worried like everyone else was. Armin tried getting into the med tent to visit his friend but sadly he wasn't allowed. Was it possible that Eren had grown very ill? That case was possible but getting the flu wasn't that bad and besides, Eren's health seemed to be getting worse within each passing second because when Hanji placed her hand over his heart she could feel that his heart beat pace slowed down just a bit.

She looked absolutely stricken with worry and horror and Eren was touched by this. Here he was, in his enemy's country and possibly caught some sort of horrible disease and he was being cared and worried for.

What was quick minutes seemed like long, restless hours to Eren and Erwin called the nearest doctor to see what might be wrong.

"Maybe you fought her a little too hard, Your Majesty," Hanji whispered with a small sigh.

"The fuck do you mean? She was beating me in the first place and I almost got a black eye. I only hit her an estimated seven times because I had to keep dodging," Levi protested.

Hanji looked as if she was going to say something else but she kept her mouth shut. It was late afternoon and everyone was having a small break and a few people started to gather around the med tent. Levi and Erwin didn't try to tell them to screw off because of course anyone would be curious.

"Ho, I know you're tired but please stay awake until the doctor arrives alright? You'll be okay soon," Hanji said as an attempt tp sooth Eren when he started to thrash a little bit more.

"I-it hurts," he whimpred and for once he actually wanted to go home despite not getting revenge yet. He wanted to go back to his castle with Mikasa and his mom where he would be served lemon squares and all that fancy crap that they didn't have here. He missed his home.

He missed his flower and stone gardens and he had to admit that he kind of missed being trapped in that damn castle all day.

"I know it does, Ho, the doctor will be here soon, alright? You can return home after he's done checking you, okay?"

Eren's eyes bursted open and he gripped onto Hanji's wrist with a trembling hand.

"No," he said sternly and painfully turned his head to her. "I-I'm not done here yet."

"Sorry to break it to you, kid, but it's game over for you. You're in no shape to fight and battle will commence in a few weeks by now and there is no possible way that you will heal in time," Levi told him and shifted his two feet.

"I will heal in time," Eren spat angrily. "Watch me."

"Come on don't be stubborn," Hanji pressed.

"I will fight," Eren said a little louder this time and ignored the flaring pain in his chest.

They all remained silent until Erwin opened the tent entrance and let a kind looking man enter. He was probably in his sixties because he was bold and had wrinkles here and there. He held a black bag in his hand that seemed to be filled with things such as medicine or bandages.

"It's an honour to be at your very presence, Your highness," he spoke in a gruff voice. "I'm Dot Pixis. What seemed to be the matter?"

"One of our recruits over here," levi replied and gestured his hand in Eren's direction, "has fainted for some stupid reasons and seems to be in a very horrible state. Her name is Hotaru and she's been training here for a few months and seemed okay before. She also started to shake uncontrollably and I'm guessing it's a seizure, right?"

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