Act 10: Rache

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While Levi was away from his own castle his son sure did grow fast and a lot like his father. Jaron held that bored and solemn expression on his face but in a childish way with his lips pursed a bit and his chin held up a little too high. It scared Eren because having two Levi's would be a pain in the royal ass.

When they left the castle there wasn't a lot of things that were damaged, just the room they fought in. Maids and servants were alarmed about the queen's death and ruefully carried her body delicately as if she were a glass figurine. Levi had to leave before they took her away because he was sure he would just collapse and scream her name as attempt to revive her somehow in some odd way.

The grief was too dense in the air, even the cadets felt it. They all wore frowns and sorrow filled eyes as if they were jewelry. Their swords and bows hung loosely in their hands, forgotten and unwanted because weapons were used to inflict severe injury or death and everyone just wanted to steer clear of the subject of death.

The sun was setting by the time they made it back to camp and the tree's shadows danced on the damp, forest grass like a flickering flame in a hearth. The black crows squawked and cawed but Levi heard nothing; all he could hear was the once soothing voice of Petra.

Thinking of her almost made him feel regret of joining his own army in the first place. If only he were a good father and stayed home to be with his wife and child she would not have died in the first place because there was no fucking way that Levi would let any enemy soldiers set foot into his land without kicking their asses to the moon first.

Jaron was still a bit confused but also worried. He was on a horse with his father and would often turn his head to check if maybe Petra was following behind them on a horse of her own, but of course she wasn't. She is dead but Jaron shouldn't know that. He was still young to know what the definition of death is.

As Levi jumped off his horse he couldn't feel anything but defeat and that feeling was way too foreign to him because he rarely experienced it in his life. He hated it and he wanted it to be gone. He was a greedy king who only thirsts for victory.

His hands balled up into fists and shook angrily. He was going to seek vengeance for sure. He had to bring Petra's death to justice. Executing the soldier who killed her wasn't enough.

He had to defeat Maria and Rose.


11 months later


Levi trained his army almost twenty hours a day while the four other hours were only used for rest and to eat. He pushed his soldiers way beyond their boundaries and it was too much because a few of them ended up dying of dehydration. That didn't matter though because Levi needed strong, tough people on his side and he didn't want any weak people here. He didn't need them.

Levi didn't intend for them to die but now they were a reminder that if you were weak and couldn't do your best out in the battle field, you will have die.

No one complained of course and they shouldn't anyway. Erwin and Hanji seemed pretty okay. All of them were now getting stronger and stronger within each passing lap, sit up, push up and punch and that was excellent.

While everyone was training their ass off, the little prince Jaron seemed a little interested in Hotaru Tatsuya. She (although we clearly know he) saved his life that night two months ago in the castle. He watched Eren carefully with that same bored expression so that she (or he) couldn't expect anything suspicious at all.

Eren was of course was stronger than the rest of the girls and beats Annie in strength but they don't know who he truly is. He was scared they would soon realize he wasn't a girl if he did his best so Eren purposely did well, but not too good, in other activities like weight lifting and hand to hand combat.

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